Loading Spider-Ham model crashes game [Merged Thread]



  • NetjgrnautNetjgrnaut Member Posts: 70
    So... is the fact that spider ham is part of my AQ team the reason I can’t get past the team selection page to even join AQ?

    iPhone 8 & iPad - same behavior

    When I run my other account on either device, no problems. Spider Ham is not part of my AQ team for this account.
  • NetjgrnautNetjgrnaut Member Posts: 70
    Confirmed: when I add spider ham to a team in any other mode (event quest, story quest, war, or AQ), my game crashes before I can even start the map. Which means I’m now unable to play at all, because the result of my testing is spider ham everywhere.
  • GildemolidorGildemolidor Member Posts: 4
    Kabam Boo said:

    We have noted this concern. Thank you. Please continue to provide details, if you can!

    No Android está havendo o mesmo problema em lutas contra o spider-ham, corrijam isso porque estava tudo bem até chegar na terceira luta e travar no spider-ham já gastei unidades pra chegar até nele. E acabei desistindo e sai da missão, vou na página de campeões e quando toco nele o jogo também sai... Um absurdo isso!
  • NetjgrnautNetjgrnaut Member Posts: 70
    edited January 2021
    Me too. I can’t even join AQ because hammy is part of my team. We’re not alone. Check out the thread on spider ham model problems. Good times.
  • GildemolidorGildemolidor Member Posts: 4
    Jogo no Android aqui no Brazil e está o mesmo problema com o spider-ham, vou na aba de campeões toco nele e o jogo sai, entrei no evento do fliperama gastei unidades pra chegar até o spider-ham e quando início a luta o jogo trava e sai. Apesar de gastar minhas unidades acabei desistindo e abandonei a missão e enquanto não consertarem esse problema não vou fazer o evento secundário... Por favor nos houve e arruma isso por gentileza!
  • NetjgrnautNetjgrnaut Member Posts: 70
    Kabam Boo said:

    Help is on the way, my friends! Hang tight!

    It’s been 7h. I’m sure we can’t be the only alliance that’s losing ground in AQ because members with spider ham on their team can’t join.
  • SupriseSuprise Member Posts: 13
    Kabam Boo said:

    Help is on the way, my friends! Hang tight!

    How soon? Because it’s been like this for almost 12 hours now, and the champs I need for defense are on my team rn so I am unable to join AW. Please have this fixed in less the 12 hours.
  • SupriseSuprise Member Posts: 13
    Also if we were going to get comp(I think we should, but understand that it would be hard to give it out to people who were specifically effected by this) I would ask for 3 Energy refills(Because we aren’t allowed to use our energy because we are stuck in a quest), and a coin to enter back into the SQ for those who quit out because they had to use their champs somewhere else. Comp-3(maybe 4,5 depending how much longer it lasts) energy refills, and a coin to get back in the SQ.
  • AnzacAnzac Member Posts: 1
    Replacing Spider-Ham with Stealth Spidey didn’t fix the bug, still crashes when you enter the pre-fight screen
  • NetjgrnautNetjgrnaut Member Posts: 70
    @Kabam Boo any workarounds? If I could just get hammy out of my offensive line for AQ, I would be able to contribute to alliance play. But no matter how fast I click on the “edit team” button when joining AQ, the game crashes. Can support adjust teams on the back-end?
  • N_Romanoff6N_Romanoff6 Member Posts: 10
    I am having the same issue. It is really annoying. If I leave the quest, I won't have enough stamps to complete the solo objectives.
  • N_Romanoff6N_Romanoff6 Member Posts: 10
    Having the same issue.
    In-game name: N-Romanoff616
    Device: Moto G4
    Operating system: Android 7.0
    It looks like he was replaced with stealthy, but everytime I click on it, the name shows up as Spider-ham and the game crashes.
  • N_Romanoff6N_Romanoff6 Member Posts: 10
    Ok, I tried it again in arcade and it seems to be working now. It showed up as stealthy, but I got into the fight and it was Spider-ham. I don't care too much that I fought the wrong character, I'm just glad that I was able to complete the quest and do other stuff now.
  • SupriseSuprise Member Posts: 13

    Ok, I tried it again in arcade and it seems to be working now. It showed up as stealthy, but I got into the fight and it was Spider-ham. I don't care too much that I fought the wrong character, I'm just glad that I was able to complete the quest and do other stuff now.

    Did you leave the first time and join it again, or did it just work?
  • Pro_Destructor2Pro_Destructor2 Member Posts: 23
    Kabam Boo said:

    Help is on the way, my friends! Hang tight!

    Pls help me, spider ham is not loading, whenever I try to play with him or even level him up.

    He is my most powerful champ and I can't play with him.
    In game name = Pro_Destructor2

  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★
    I place him on AWD and now I'm not going to be able to place any defenders at all...
  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★
    Kabam Boo said:

    Help is on the way, my friends! Hang tight!

    Any update? Really need to get defenders in...
  • SupriseSuprise Member Posts: 13
    Hey @Kabam Boo, do we have any update on the bug, AW attack phase us starting real soon and I will need some of my champ son the quest most likely.
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  • Kabam BooKabam Boo Member Posts: 840 ★★★★★
    We apologise for the delay. Our team is definitely working to resolve this issue carefully and as quickly as they can!
    Thank you so much for your patience!
  • SupriseSuprise Member Posts: 13
    @Kabam Boo, will we be getting any time of comp for this? Just liek some energy refills would be pretty fair I’m my option.
  • SupriseSuprise Member Posts: 13
    Also it is really nice to hear that the game team is trying to work on the issue. :D
  • AmukAmuk Member Posts: 2
    It sucks that we can't participate in AW because we're stuck in this quest (scared of losing our limited tokens). :'(
  • SupriseSuprise Member Posts: 13
    Hey, idk if you did something, but I was able to load my champions befor it crashed this time
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  • NetjgrnautNetjgrnaut Member Posts: 70
    Not only are we having to play map 5 instead of 6 because I can’t join AQ, I’m also missing out on alliance event rewards.

    I realize it may be difficult, but some compensation is owed beyond the side quest-specific interruption. The impact on the whole alliance of individual members who can’t contribute because of this bug is not insignificant.
  • SupriseSuprise Member Posts: 13
    So 30 hour mark now and still not fixed, I’m wondering if it would’ve been better if I had just quit now. I would’ve been able to complete the new EQ, and the new SQ to. Also I would’ve been able to grind more revives, and potions. So far all I’ve done was a little arena and AW, and AQ. Thankfully for AW I still had my Gulli 2099 for that and my other lower champ for it, but not ideal at all.

    Please try to fix this issue quick, or tell us we can quit and get out coin back.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,849 ★★★★★
    edited January 2021
    Can’t run the arena right now becuz my current matchup has a spider ham on the enemy team. Game crashes once it loads the matchup screen

    IpAd 6th gen
    iOS 14.2

    Edit: Tried once with my iPhone 12 and it did not crash.
  • CallbertCallbert Member Posts: 2
    Same problem here. Spider Ham is in my AW attack team and because of the constant crash I can't participate in AW.

    Also not funny because he's one of my best champs and I need him for EQ.

    Use a iPhone 6 with iOS 12.4.9
  • NetjgrnautNetjgrnaut Member Posts: 70
    Interesting. The bug loading the model persists, but for the first time today I was able to tap the “edit team” button fast enough to avoid it. Replaced hammy on my AQ team & was able to finally join AQ.

    Previously, I’d put hammy on my event quest team to reproduce the bug. This morning, I started event quest & let the team selection page load as normal. The game crashes as expected.
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