Jubilee arcade..do tokens rollover?

Watching Seating video and hes saying to Maximixe rewards, do 10 runs of the mutant quest week 1/2 and that will leave u with 6 leftover. And in week 3/4, use those on epic to get the 5 star awakening gem. Do tokens rollover? I can't find anywhere that talks about this
This is what he was saying. But Either this math isn't right or im bad at math. So it can't work. U can't do 10 legendary runs (30 stamps) then do 17 week 3/4 (51 stamps AND then get 15 stamps from epic also. Thatd take 35 tokens. U only get 32
First 2 weeks
I am gonna spend 10 tokens for 10 legendary mutant sq so that will give me 30 legendary stamps and full solo objective rewards for the first 2 weeks which means 10k 5* & 4k 6* shards. I am also left with 6 tokens unspend.
Later 2 weeks
So now you have your 6 tokens from first 2 weeks and 16 more. So I'll do 5×Epic mutant sq to get the 1 epic solo objective that gives 2k 6* shards. I am left with 17 tokens so I am doing after that 16(or 17, that one depends on what you want)of the legendary mutant and 1 of legendary spidey so I will get all the legendary solo objectives and I'll have 50 or 51 legendary stamps.
So at the end you are going to have from first batch, 10×3=30 legendary stamps and from second batch either 17×3=51 or 16×3+1×2=50 legendary stamps and that gets you 80-81 legendary stamps for the cavalier solo objective.
I know it isn't easy to understand cause there are so many things this month with tokens, stamps, solo objectives depending on the difficulty you do but I feel if you read it with no distractions you are going to understand what I am saying and what seatin probably said (I don't really watch his vids).