Cap IW sig ability needed?

Sidd777Sidd777 Member Posts: 188
Does cap iw really need his sig ability to be good? I was reading his sig ability and was thinking that the only parts of it that I would find myself needing a lot would be the petrify and maybe the armor break. So does he really need to be awakened to be worth ranking up to something like r5 as a 5 star or r2 as a 6 star, or am I just missing something really important about his sig?


  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    Took my 6-star Cap to R2 Unawakened, as my very first R2. No regrets.

    @MegaSkater67 has given an excellent breakdown. My main tip is not to sleep on the SP1 - if you chain it after a Heavy, you stay getting some pretty serious bleed damage; and the 100% AAR is useful in a load of situations.

    Go for it!
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  • FancysonFancyson Member Posts: 75
    Cap is great unawakened because he still has the perfect block, counters evade and unstoppable, and great damage. However, the awakened ability is really what takes him to the next level. Ideally you want him max sig, but what no one talks about is how good his awakened ability is at a low sig level. You can't reliably reverse healing or shrug debuffs, but you still gain the utility of armor breaks, mitigating heal and power gain, as well as dealing with disstrack even if its only 50-60% reliability. I have him at sig 60 and he still is one of my most used champions. I can't wait to get him to 200 eventually.
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  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    The amount of content that you can get around with just perfect parry heavy combos is actually crazy. If they can be stunned for the full duration there really isn’t much he can’t do. (This is oversimplifying but not by very much)
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,881 ★★★★★
    From my experience, he is kinda like the anime characters who gain strength during the story:

    1) unawakened
    Very strong, nice damage, but less utility. The adventure begins

    2) awakened at sig 1-150
    Stronger, growing in power. Utility starts becoming more reliable.

    3) max sig
    Ultimate true potential super sayian (idk I dont watch DB), reliable utility, max sttength. Increased damage, pretty reliable immunity, works like a charm for a majority of fights.

    So to conclude: he is usable without awakening and he does great job even unawakened. But if you compare that to the potential he has awakened and high sig, he looks like a toddler next to a wrestler
  • DespacitoDespacito Member Posts: 24
    No, but it helps deal with a lot of annoying nodes. Plus the armor breaks allow you to do truckloads of damage

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  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★★
    i have a very important question about CAIW kinetic charges.

    I know while kinetically charged he gains 1150.50 attack rating. and some of resistance.

    My questions are:

    1. Would his basic attack hit the same with 1 kinetic charge as opposed to 5.

    2. Would he take less damage with 5 kinetic charge while taking blocked hits from contact hits? energy based hits? and what about energy based specials like Apocalypse sp1?

    I'm asking these questions because I know his sp2 damage scales based off how many kinetic charges he's got.

    if anybody knows please shed some light.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    edited January 2021

    i have a very important question about CAIW kinetic charges.

    I know while kinetically charged he gains 1150.50 attack rating. and some of resistance.

    My questions are:

    1. Would his basic attack hit the same with 1 kinetic charge as opposed to 5.

    2. Would he take less damage with 5 kinetic charge while taking blocked hits from contact hits? energy based hits? and what about energy based specials like Apocalypse sp1?

    I'm asking these questions because I know his sp2 damage scales based off how many kinetic charges he's got.

    if anybody knows please shed some light.

    1. Yes, unless he has a Fury passive - the Fury passive gets stronger the more charges he has. That's why his Parry-Heavy-Special rotation does so much damage. The Special-2 gains twice over from charges, so hits ridiculously hard.

    2. No, he doesn't get any greater defensive bonuses from five charges then he does from one. But his Physical and Energy resistance plus his Glancing ability can save him from a lot of hurt.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    _Sham_ said:

    Took my 6-star Cap to R2 Unawakened, as my very first R2. No regrets.

    @MegaSkater67 has given an excellent breakdown. My main tip is not to sleep on the SP1 - if you chain it after a Heavy, you stay getting some pretty serious bleed damage; and the 100% AAR is useful in a load of situations.

    Go for it!

    unduped cap has 100% aar ?
    Only in his SP1. Very useful against champs like Magik, or those with predictable cheat death/regen/armour mechanics.
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