Possible officer QoL improvement - Poke missing people

OrdalcaOrdalca Member Posts: 543 ★★★
edited January 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
First, I'd like to say BG assignments and pokes have made life significantly easier for me since they were implemented. Certainly, I've not had anyone joining the wrong battlegroup, which was a semi-regular occurrence previously.

However, there are still some places where that is falling short. For one thing, you cannot poke people until they've joined the battlegroup. If someone is doing arena instead of joining war or AQ, there's no way to notify them we need them to join, outside friending->in game message. Even then, you have to figure out who is missing from the bg and message them individually.

For officers, that means having just the members of their own bg as friends takes away 20% of our friends list. If you need to ping people in any bg, then it's 60% of the friends, just to be ready to remind them of AQ/AWD.

I suggest adding a new button, perhaps on the list of bg screen, and have it poke everyone assigned to the bg who has not yet joined for that phase (ie AW defense, AW attack, AQ).

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