On another note, has there been any discussion on a cosmic ghost rider nerf? I've seen some comments on it and a comparison to the namor nerf but not an actual discussion.
That info could help my decision making about going for the new featured or not.
On another note, has there been any discussion on a cosmic ghost rider nerf? I've seen some comments on it and a comparison to the namor nerf but not an actual discussion.
That info could help my decision making about going for the new featured or not.
He was never nerfed. He was tuned down from the content creator program before he was released.
On another note, has there been any discussion on a cosmic ghost rider nerf? I've seen some comments on it and a comparison to the namor nerf but not an actual discussion.
That info could help my decision making about going for the new featured or not.
He was never nerfed. He was tuned down from the content creator program before he was released.
Huh never knew that, thanks for the info! In that case I hope it's safe to go for him.
As mentioned Apocalypse, Red Goblin, Cosmic Ghost Rider, IHulk, IBom, and Spider Pig will all be in this upcoming featured and they'll usually have one or two really good Champs and depending on if the current rumors hold true MAYBE there's a shot at OG Scarlet Witch in this Crystal just like we had OG Wolverine in this most recent one.
That info could help my decision making about going for the new featured or not.
Again maybe 🤞