Rank up dilemma for act 6.2.2 and V6

AdvAdv Member Posts: 196

I am still at 6.2.2 and can’t take on sinister yet. Also chapter 3.1 of V6 is an issue. Looking at my present set which one should I max out first?

Rank up dilemma for act 6.2.2 and V6 22 votes

CMM (duped at sig 50)
Luke9523Kill_GreyDes99EinfachSoHoodie25Barani7daXanatos 7 votes
Warlock (Unduped) (have ultron for synergy)
Warlord5386EtjamaSarvanga1_CorkscrewMaxLeeAouxWouxAdokEtherealityZeuszeroHilbert_unbeatable2AmnetiesFarrukh_tvScrubhanWill3808JoshKosh557 15 votes
Void (duped) sig level 60
Domino (Unduped)


  • EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
    Warlock (Unduped) (have ultron for synergy)
    Warlock but CMM is a close second.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Warlock (Unduped) (have ultron for synergy)
    Warlock, CMM, and Void are all beasts but Warlock's got a stupid amount of utility and he wrecks 6.2.
  • AdvAdv Member Posts: 196
    Thanks a lot
  • AdvAdv Member Posts: 196
    A little more votes please
  • CorkscrewCorkscrew Member Posts: 547 ★★★
    Warlock (Unduped) (have ultron for synergy)
    Warlock would be great for Sinister in Act 6.2.2. Although, variant 6.3.1 is the same opponent... they are not the same fight. You really need a villain, you would be better off taking a 4* Magneto Red than Warlock.

    Void in general is a beast for v6, but warlock covers v1-4.
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