Balder the Brave Champion Build

Balder is one of my favorite characters in Norse mythology. He was so handsome, gracious and cheerful in nature that it was said he actually radiated light. Although he was known to be a favorite among the Aesir he has been overshadowed by his brother Thor, especially in the Marvel Universe. Unfortunately, the story of his death has also eclipsed his legacy as a warrior.
I will spare you a Wiki dump and my head canon of how I would introduce Balder to the MCU, but I wanted a post a MCOC build I came up with awhile ago. Since it is possible the character might be added to the Contest I wanted to post it.
Balder - Cosmic
#Counter #Asgardian
Resurrected after Ragnarok, Balder had no memory of being killed a millennia ago. Nor did he have any recollection of his father Odin, his brother Thor or the part Loki played in his death. Alone, he set out into the galaxy to find out who he was and a cause worth living and fighting for again.
Signature Ability - Ward of Light
When Balder or his opponent reach a combo meter of 20, Balder places a Ward of Light on himself. This ward protects Balder from the effects of damage reflection, losing more than X% health from basic attacks and grants him a X% chance to shrug off any Debuff. If Balder's hit streak is broken the Ward Of Light transfers to his opponent and lasts equal to half the number of hits that was on the combo meter. The Ward of Light prevents the opponent from gaining buffs and Disorients them, reducing their Block Proficiency and Defensive Ability Accuracy by X%. Once the ward is fully dissipated it goes into cooldown and cannot be recast for X seconds.
The ward can also be broken immediately if the opponent uses a Special Attack. If used, that Special Attack deals X% reduced damage and triggers a Power Lock Debuff on the opponent for X seconds. Breaking the ward in this manner prevents the Ward of Light from transferring to the opponent, but is also not subject to cooldown.
Passive: God of Light and Life
Balder is immune to the effects of Degeneration and Incineration.
When a Degeneration or Incineration Buff is placed on Balder he gains Indestructible for # seconds and his Attack Rating increases by X% throughout the fight for each debuff.
If Balder's opponent is immune to Incineration Debuffs they gain a Rupture Debuff for X seconds each time Incineration failed to apply.
Passive: Cauterize
Balder's control of light allows him to cauterize bleed wounds, closing them X% faster.
Passive: Light Empowerment
Once per fight, when Balder holds block for X seconds he summons three orbs of light that circle him. When he dashes backward twice within X seconds an orb will launch at his opponent dealing # Energy Damage.
Each orb grants Baldur X Health Regeneration per second.
Baldur can also chose to detonate the orbs by dashing back once and holding block for X seconds, which casts him in a corona of light for X seconds that inflicts an Incineration Debuff on himself and causes X Incineration Damage for each orb detonated to nearby enemies.
Special 1: Light Rays
Baldur emits a barrage of light rays that cause X Incineration Damage.
Baldur gains an Unstoppable Buff for X seconds after the attack of his hit counter is above 30.
Special 2: Consecrate
Baldur launches a series of attacks that scorch the earth between him and his opponent for X seconds. If either Baldur or his opponent cross the consecrated ground before it deactivates they are inflicted with an Incineration Buff that deals # Incineration damage for X seconds.
Special 3: Demigod
Baldur unleashes his full potential as a demigod which deals X Incineration Damage and places a Petrify Debuff that reduces the potency of Power Gain and Regeneration effects by 100% for X seconds.
Asgardian Lineage - Angela, Heimdall, Hela, Thor(s)
Angela: Health Regeneration rate is increased by X%.
Baldur: Attack Rating increased by X% and Block Proficiency increased by X.
Heimdall: Duration and Potency of Degeneration and Incineration Debuffs decrease by X%.
Hela: Gains +X Health Regeneration rate while Indestructible.
Thor: Champions that are immune to Stun are inflicted with Rupture for X seconds instead.
Thor (Ragnarok): Activates a Combo Shield and a Fury Buff increasing Attack Rating by X% when Thor would lose his Combo Meter. This ability activates only once per fight.
Stormbreaker Thor: TBD
Demon Hunters - Blade
Baldur: Class Disadvantage against Mystic Champions is reduced by 50% and gains X Attack Rating versus inter-dimensional beings.
Blade: Health Regeneration rate is increased by X%.
Passing Judgement - Punisher, Ghost Rider, Cosmic Ghost Rider
Baldur: Attack Rating is increased by X% versus Villains.
Punisher: Gains X Health Regeneration rate during Defy Pain.
Cosmic Ghost Rider & Ghost Rider: Attack Rating is increased by X% per Judgment placed on their opponents.
Fire Walk With Me - Iron Man (Infinity War), Sunspot, Falcon, Human Torch
Incineration Damage is increased by X% for all synergy members.
Kinslayer - Loki
Baldur: Power Gain is increased by X%.
Loki: Attack Rating and Special Damage is increased by X%.
All Teammates
All champions regain 10% health between fights.