
Kabam 1st of all Mephisto is totally overall an amazing champ. I noticed 1 thing though while using him. His damage output while using strong and weak attacks is very-very low. His special attacks on the other hand are quite vicious. Please take a look into his basic attack damage output levels. It is not where it should be for a high prestige champ of this caliber.
He is awesome for defense, so his damage needs to be lower than other champs
Seatin huh?
Actually no. A lot of champs have higher utility than others in some areas at a cost of a weak stat. They "sacrifice" something to have other stuff
Yes.Thats the same thing seatin said.So I was asking whether u watch seatinn
I would suggest the following:
1. Increase his base damage
2. Make the incinerate a global effect (like dorm's degenerate) and not needing to be close to have the effect.
3. Increase the damage of incinerate as the damage is really too low