Professor x or Apocalypse as a stand alone champion ?

I currently have prof x at rank 4 and will go for apocalypse on the featured crystals.I have noticed that there is more hype surrounding apocalypse than prof x. From the information that I have gathered by playing with professor x and the gameplay I have seen of apocalypse the professor is superior in damage and utility ( not saying that apocalypse lacks damage or utility )apocalypse has incinerate and bleed immunity but it’s a bit impractical as 8 second have to pass in order to develop them.He can also ignore purify which is nice since he places a lot of debuffs. Professor in the other hand can put out a ton of damage ,has high block prof ,a miss mechanic that can be used as an opening and as a safety measure and can power lock for a sort amount of time. The point of this is who I should take at r5 first prof or apoc?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Love my 6 Star Prof X but he just feels like he's lacking Broader Utility, he's got a couple good things and Great Damage but Apocalypse just has much more Wide Spread Utility with just as good Damage through only slightly longer Ramp Up (even then most of the time you can't even get him Ramped Up Fully due to the Enemy going down so quickly).
Then of course both have Insane Game Changing Synergies for a Ton of Mutants
This is definitely more of a "Which should I Rank Up First and while which one Second" instead of a "Which should be Ranked Up over the other" Decision though because both are exceptional Champions.
They're both ramp-up champs, needing multiple fights (Apocalypse's Sinister/Cable/Kang synergy notwithstanding) and also a bit of build-up within each fight to really start putting out decent numbers... And that's about where the similarities end.
Professor X essentially has infinite damage ramp up from being able to stack Prowess buffs letting him do massive burst damage. He's one of the best evade/miss counters in the game that doesn't have to rely on applying a Slow debuff (cannot understate how useful this can be). Almost all of his basic attacks don't make contact which can counter some annyoing defenders. His Mind Control mechanic also has some pretty cool uses that I think we're going to see more and more of in the future.
Apocalypse is a more of a damage over time champion, though at max Genetic Code his specials pack a punch as well. He has easy and long lasting access to Weakness, Poison, Degeneration and Concussion off his specials, and Bleeds off his heavies. Pair this with his debuffs not being able to be purified (including his stuns), and there are a lot of annoying nodes and defenders that he is an excellent counter for. Yes, his immunities and evade counter are a little impractical in some scenarios, but at least he eventually has them. HIs stun into block and stun immunity whilst striking are pretty cool mechanics too.
They both have excellent synergies for other mutants in your team, but in very different ways. Apocalypse boosts one Mutant in a huge way (especially the 4 Horsemen), but in doing so sacrifices his own damage output. Professor X passively boosts all X-Men/Mutants' special damage in your team, and his other various Drug synergies can be situationally very useful to have, all while not losing any of his own effectiveness.
Neither of them are particularly suicide-friendly, but on the other hand their synergies can make every other Mutant suicide-friendly through bleed resistance (Apocalypse) and poison resistance/health shield (Professor X). Neither of them really need their awakened ability either, though Professor X's is definitely nice to have.
If you can pair them both with a Red Magneto, you can pretty easily put together a full Mutant team that is able to counter a stupidly large amount of this game.