Save the tokens?

Hi guys
Are he suppose to save the rest of the tokens?
Im confuse
I got the 6* shards,and have 6 tokens left
Thank y
Are he suppose to save the rest of the tokens?
Im confuse
I got the 6* shards,and have 6 tokens left
Thank y
week 1: use 8 tokens on x-men legendary
week 2: use 2 tokens on x-men legendary
week 3: use 14 tokens on x-men legendary (8 new tokens + the 6 tokens from week 2)
week 4: use 3 tokens on x-men legendary and the rest (5) on epic difficulty x-men.
This is assuming you want the 10% T5CC.
week 1: 8 legend runs (24 tokens)
week 2: 8 legend runs (24 tokens -> 48 total)
week 3: 8 legend runs (24 tokens)
week 4: 3 legend + 5 epic runs (9 tokens -> 33 in the second half -> 81 total + 15 epic token)
you still get both sets of legendary rewards, the 10% t5c and the first epic reward in the second half of the event. so why saving tokens?
Enter in Week 1-3 legendary mutant 24 times.
In week 4 go
3 times legendary mutant
5 times EPIC mutant
Ah @Edarim said that already. My bad
We get that and more every 8 days from aq.
Week 1 - 8x legendary
Week 2 - 2x legendary
Week 3 - 8x legendary
Week 4 - 2x legendary + 10x epic
After that, you will have 2 more left I believe
You have to choose 2nd set. Either more shards or rank up (which is a t2a and 10% t5cc)
You only run 20 x 3 = 60 ( in your example)
But we dont know yet if in week 3/4 the objectives need 30 stamps as well as week 1/2. If you need more this could ruin everyone's plan.
We also dont know if you can use your token (entrys) from week 2 in week 3/4 right?
Both could turn the event on 180°
Kabam really dropped the ball on this one bc not even all info is out yet...
So is kind of worth to save
I generally agree with your opinion. Just we cant be sure 100% yet. And it could mean getting 2k 6* shards or not
Kabam def need to bring light into this situation