Top Mystics that drain power

Hey folks, i have a bunch of 5* mystics but I don't know who to rank up or look for. I am looking for strong mystics that drain power, not sure who they are.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Magik is great, so is Doom obviously. Voodoo is very solid also.
Doom is a no brainier. If you want power control, then magik/voodoo are next. Magik doesn't need dupe for that, voodoo does to be consistent. Dorm is great at it too (every second medium and sp2), but as mentioned, he's kind of a noodle for attack, but he does have immunities, healing and degen too.
Claire's sp2 power drain isn't that great. Most of the other mystics will be for nullify (which doom also does well) and/or raw damage.
Other non mystic options could be warlock, psylocke, rogue, hawkeye. There are more (civil warrior), but now we're scraping the bottom of the barrel for power control.
Also, on power gain nodes, or power gain buffs that some champs get, Quake can't stop those.
Claire Voyant
Sym. Supreme
Ghost Rider (to an extent)
Scarlet Witch (rng reliant)
Quake realises she entered wrong room as title says top mystics. Quake exits
1/ power burn
2/ power drain [OP stated power drain]
3/ power leech
4/ power lock
5/ power steal
There are 5 mystics which power drains, GR, Sasquatch, SW, Mephisto and Dormammu.
It seems like Dormammu is easiest to achieve with medium ending combo.
Eg. variant 3 1.2 Hyperion.