Potions and Revives quest idea

I have an Idea for a quest.
At the last week of every month a side quest which gives you potions and revives appears. With unlimited tries. And a single difficulty with 1 stars.But you can only earn 10 of each level of revives and potions. I feel like this would be good for everyone since it gives people another way to grind potions and revives. And it would also improve the playerbases opinion of Kabam.
At the last week of every month a side quest which gives you potions and revives appears. With unlimited tries. And a single difficulty with 1 stars.But you can only earn 10 of each level of revives and potions. I feel like this would be good for everyone since it gives people another way to grind potions and revives. And it would also improve the playerbases opinion of Kabam.