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Potions and Revives quest idea

Rikerson09Rikerson09 Posts: 66
edited January 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
I have an Idea for a quest.
At the last week of every month a side quest which gives you potions and revives appears. With unlimited tries. And a single difficulty with 1 stars.But you can only earn 10 of each level of revives and potions. I feel like this would be good for everyone since it gives people another way to grind potions and revives. And it would also improve the playerbases opinion of Kabam.


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    Mars_UltorMars_Ultor Posts: 159
    It's rewards would have to be nerfed, and it's difficulty buffed, but I do wish they'd add an easier way to get revives.
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    Rikerson09Rikerson09 Posts: 66
    Yeah, maybe you would have to fight against 3 stars or 4 stars.
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