January Side-Event: Slumber Node, U. Collosus is not powerlocked

Not sure what is going wrong, during my first 6 runs everything was okay, but than I noticed that final unstoppable collosus is only stunded during the first 15s, but he is able to gain power due to my attacks.
I usually fight him with Domino or Warlock, but is also happens with other attackers.
I play on legendary dificulity.
iPhone SE 2020
IOS 14.3
Game Version 29.2.0.
I usually fight him with Domino or Warlock, but is also happens with other attackers.
I play on legendary dificulity.
iPhone SE 2020
IOS 14.3
Game Version 29.2.0.
Try bringing Blade with GR synergy into the fight and see how the node goes crazy.
Slumber is effectively a stun + power lock, followed by a massive fury after the stun. Each component can fail separately due to AAR. So with that interaction, sometimes he’s stunned and not power locked, sometimes he’s power locked but not stunned and has that massive fury right at the beginning of the fight.