Looking for alliance (2ppl)

Looking for active alliance

me and my friend

both 4k prestige


  • RexnSpikeRexnSpike Member Posts: 65
    I’m leader of a relaxed Alliance, no drama. We are mostly looking to give players with real life constraints an enjoyable place to play, without the pressure of aggro alliances.

    With 2 more, we can complete AQ Map 3 - to farm T1A for 5* champ advancement.

    *AW on the weekends only - for fun, skills, not rank- just not worth the time or pressure.

    If interested in a more relaxed Alliance, join up.

    Alliance: ShdyA - Shady Acres Weekend Warriors
    Leader : Rexnspike
    LineID : grexnspike - I check in every few days so please don’t be in a hurry or just tap me in game.
  • Mainer123Mainer123 Member Posts: 543 ★★
    Eggs3_0 said:

    Looking for active alliance

    me and my friend

    both 4k prestige

    Look up Mainer456 it’s my second account and is in our 2 nd alliance.
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