Why do the AI not get the freezing after Specials!?

DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
So for us every time we use a special we have to freeze being unable to block or evade, yet the AI don't...

That's an absolute joke, if it's a bug it should be for both, it feels like a sly intentional move.

Copy whatever coding is on the AI specials and apply it to us so the delay goes away


  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    I feel ya bro ... still no acknowledgement of the issue in the bug forum either.

    Alliance Quest is going to be quite frustrating.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    It's gonna be very frustrating! Some champs depend on specials for bleeds or abilities, it's gonna cost in potions which just isn't fair.

    I would postpone AQ until it's fixed, if not then it's disgusting
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Yea I realised this too. While we experience a longer delay before we can actually do our next action after throwing a special, the AI doesn't.

    Was fighting an Iron Patriot in war and he got down to arc overload. He threw a special 1 and I blocked it, immediately dashing forward right after it ended because I thought the delay also affected the opponents. Well it doesn't, because as soon as he threw that first special 1, he threw another special 1 right after that, whereas for us at this current time, would be impossible. I managed to dodge that fortunately and ended him.

    I mean, honestly, really?
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    X23 is a nightmare now, she almost spins out of her special into a heavy and it actually looks like one fluid motion. It's a joke, and once again it affects players not Kabam. Amazing how fast they fixed things that actually affect them, like the DS regen. But this bug that will make a killing in unit spend for map 6 AQ and AW. I have yet to see a post about it other than them asking for device and carrier details. Which in it's own statement is hilarious as they said they BETA test this.

    It amazes me that not one beta tester found any of the multiple bugs released. And yet we all still play, and that is what you call a profitable game. We come here rant and rave about it, but nothing ever changes and tomorrow we will all be playing AQ. They know this, so they don't have to answer to anyone.
  • kraioszerokraioszero Member Posts: 148
    Because its kabam, AI always works perfect on their side...

  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    In 2-3 weeks we will find out they "can replicate the bug and are working on a fix" (even though it's easy to replicate on any device in any fight, smh)...

    Then they will be working on a "fix" for 4-6 weeks.

    Then they will release a patch saying it's fixed... It won't be.

    Then they will just hope the community forgets about it. Which in this case won't happen.

    By the time it's fixed, there will likely be another game-breaking bug to deal with.

    This is the MO we have seen time and time again.

    It's so damn frustrating.
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