6.3.6 CAIW not taking any damage from damage over time debuffs.

@Kabam Lyra I decided to push 6.3.6 today, And my plan was to nick fury it and hope for the best with the bleeds. As it turns out, caiw takes NOTHING. he doesn't take any of the damage. And, this is not specified by the Crit Me wth your Best shot as it states "The Defender takes 100 % less damage from Hits that are not Critical,". 100% less damage from HITS THAT ARE NOT CRITICAL. not debuffs HITS .
I will post a vid soon
"Hits" refer to attacks
I know critical failure is a passive, but its still critical and it is doing no damage so i would say the same would apply to bleeds
This statement and
Only takes damage from critical hits, arecompletely different statements
Debate all you want about the wording, but this is how it works and has always worked.
Edit responding to Hi_guys:
Okay then yeah I agree it could say “this defender can only be damaged by critical hits” although I wonder if with like NF and BPCW+BPOG bleed synergy (since it would increase his bleed damage to over 100%) if that would work.