Odin Champion Build Suggestion

Odin, the All-Father, King of Asgard, is one of the most powerful entities the Cosmos has ever known. Out of his vast array of abilities and weapons, perhaps the greatest he wields is the ancient knowledge he possesses. It is said that Odin sacrificed his eye to drink from the Well of Knowledge guarded by the giant Mimir. After gaining a higher form of perception, Odin was gifted with ability to see all things and to know all things past, present and future. In addition to this knowledge Odin also wields the Odinforce, a sentient cosmic energy created from the combined power of Odin and his two dead brothers.
Signature Ability - Odinforce
Odin can channel the Odinforce into energy blasts, energy shields and use to manipulate matter.
The Odinforce meter starts at 0 and passively increases by 1 per X seconds during a fight and Odin gains another Odinforce Charge when he defeats an opponent. The maximum amount of Odinforce Charges that can be generated is 30 and count as Persistent Charges between fights.
When Odinforce reaches 9, Odin's attacks generate Energy Blasts.
Energy Blasts: X% of all attacks have a 100% chance to deal Energy Blasts that inflict a Concussion Debuff that reduces the opponent's Ability Accuracy by X% and deals +# Direct Damage in addition to Base Damage.
When Odinforce reaches 18, Odin generates an Energy Shield around himself.
Energy Shields: Odin's is able to block Unblockable attacks, disregard reflected damage and his Critical and Energy Resistance increase by X%. Energy Blasts now deal # Energy Damage in addition to Base Damage.
When Odinforce reaches 27, Odin gains Matter Manipulation.
Matter Manipulation: Odin gains an indefinite Armor Up Buff that increases his Armor by X and Energy Blasts inflict Armor Shattered, reducing the opponent's Armor Rating by X for X seconds.
Ancient Knowledge - Pre-Fight Ability
Rune of Conscience: Odin can select any Debuff to be immune to and one Non-Damaging Debuff to apply to his opponent while facing them. Both effects last indefinitely until the opponent is defeated.
Rune of Strategy: Odin can select one Node Ability to remove from his opponent. That ability is completely lost until the opponent is defeated.
Rune of Tactics: Odin's Attack Rating and Block Proficiency increase by X% for every hit landed by him and his opponent during the fight.
Rune of Transference: Odin can choose to convert all his damage output to Energy or Physical Damage.
Activating any Rune of Ancient Knowledge costs 5 Odinforce Charges
As a Defender, once Odin reaches 12 Odinforce Charges he randomly selects a Rune of Ancient Knowledge before a fight. Odin is also immune to the Rune of Strategy if he is a Defender.
A Defender in Alliance Quest and Alliance War is only subject to the removal of one Node.
As the leader of the Aesir, Odin is the most powerful of the Norse gods and is the paragon of their might. The abilities Odin has gained as the All-Father are the following:
Arcane Wisdom
Life Energy Manipulation
Mental Fortitude
Passive: All-Sight
Odin's unparalleled perception allows him to see through magical traps and illusions, gaining True Strike for X seconds when an opponent turns invisible or phases.
Passive: Arcane Wisdom
Odin's Class Disadvantage is reversed against Mystic Champions and their Attack Bonus becomes an Attack Penalty. Attempts to Power Steal or Power Lock Odin have a X% chance to fail and Odin Power Gains #% of the damage dealt from these attacks.
Passive: Life Energy Manipulation
Odin is immune to Heal Block and Heal Reversal effects.
All Debuffs suffer -X% Potency and Duration.
Passive: Mental Fortitude
All of Odin's abilities are unaffected by Ability Accuracy Reduction mechanics.
Odin is unaffected by Telepathic Attacks and is immune to Reverse Controls.
Odin's spear Gungnir, the Spear of Heaven, serves as a conduit to channel his Odinforce powers.
All attacks with Gungnir increase damage based on the amount of Odinforce by an additional X%.
Medium Attacks have X Block Penetration.
The reach of Heavy Attacks are extended by a force field that Stagger the opponent for X seconds in addition to dealing X Physical Damage.
Gungnir inflicts Energy Damage during Special Attacks.
Special 1, Special 2 & Special 3 TBD by Kabam
Aesir - Angela, Balder, Heimdall, Hela, Thor(s)
Angela: Nullify abilities chance to trigger is reduced by an additional X%.
Balder: Decrease cooldown of Ward of Light by X seconds.
Heimdall: X% chance to convert an expiring Armor Up Buff to an indefinite one.
Hela: Gains Indestructible for X seconds on first strike from opponent.
Thor: Increase Shock Damage by X%.
Thor (Ragnarok): Starts fight with a Combo Meter of 10.
Stormbreaker Thor: TBD
Odin: Gains 1 Odinforce Charge at the beginning of each fight per Aesir on his team.
Worthy - Odin, Thor(s), Captain America, Jane Foster, Beta Ray Bill
Gain X% Prowess
Adopted Son - Loki
Loki: Increases the Duration of all Buffs by 100% and increases Physical Resistance by X%.
Odin: True Strike deal additional X damage versus invisible or phasing opponents.
Not To Be Overlooked - Doctor Doom, Mephisto, Annihilus
Doctor Doom: Immune to Slow and Petrify Debuffs.
Mephisto: Generates 12% of a Power Bar per second when Frostbite and Coldsnap Debuffs fail.
Annihilus: Duration of Fury Buffs increase by X seconds.
Odin: Attack Rating is increased by X% versus Villains.
All Teammates
All champions regain X% health per Odinforce Charge between fight.
If you are wondering at the odd, or non-even numbers, associated with the Odinforce Signature Ability it is because the numbers 3 and 9, and hence multiples thereof, have special emphasis in Norse mythology.
For example, 3:
Odin was the ruler of the third generation of Norse gods and was one of three sons of Borr. In the Marvel Universe, the Odinforce was created by the essence of Odin's brothers after they sacrificed themselves so Odin could escape Surtur after the three stole the Eternal Flame from him.
The Word Tree, Yggdrasil, in Norse Mythology has three roots, one of which ran to the Well of Mimir that Odin drank out of to attain knowledge.
Then, most of all, Odin endured three hardships in his quest for the Runes of Knowledge: 1) He hanged himself from a branch of the World Tree, 2) Wounded himself with his spear, and 3) Sacrificed his eye.
And 9:
The Nine Realms are constantly referred to in the MCU and Norse mythology.
Odin hanged from the branch of Yggdrasil for nine days and night when he gained the Runes of Knowledge.
The Odinforce
The Odinforce has many applications in the Marvel Universe that don't necessarily translate well to a one-on-one match up in MCOC. With the Odinforce Odin is able to transport people and things and read minds across dimensions, stop time and travel through time, alter his size, heal the injured and sick. The list is nearly endless. In addition to all that it makes Odin a BAMF to the point where he can go up against Galactus and when the full force of it is unleashed it can destroy entire galaxies.
In fact, one of the above could be incorporated into Odin's Special 3 animation (I'm looking at you interdimensional teleportation and size alteration).
Victory Animation: It'd be cool if Odin's ravens, Munin & Hugin, perched on his shoulders or on a throne he was sitting on (like Anthony Hopkins in the MCU) along with his wolves, Freki & Geri, sitting nearby.
Odin, the All-Father, King of Asgard, is one of the most powerful entities the Cosmos has ever known. Out of his vast array of abilities and weapons, perhaps the greatest he wields is the ancient knowledge he possesses. It is said that Odin sacrificed his eye to drink from the Well of Knowledge guarded by the giant Mimir. After gaining a higher form of perception, Odin was gifted with ability to see all things and to know all things past, present and future. In addition to this knowledge Odin also wields the Odinforce, a sentient cosmic energy created from the combined power of Odin and his two dead brothers.
Signature Ability - Odinforce
Odin can channel the Odinforce into energy blasts, energy shields and use to manipulate matter.
The Odinforce meter starts at 0 and passively increases by 1 per X seconds during a fight and Odin gains another Odinforce Charge when he defeats an opponent. The maximum amount of Odinforce Charges that can be generated is 30 and count as Persistent Charges between fights.
When Odinforce reaches 9, Odin's attacks generate Energy Blasts.
Energy Blasts: X% of all attacks have a 100% chance to deal Energy Blasts that inflict a Concussion Debuff that reduces the opponent's Ability Accuracy by X% and deals +# Direct Damage in addition to Base Damage.
When Odinforce reaches 18, Odin generates an Energy Shield around himself.
Energy Shields: Odin's is able to block Unblockable attacks, disregard reflected damage and his Critical and Energy Resistance increase by X%. Energy Blasts now deal # Energy Damage in addition to Base Damage.
When Odinforce reaches 27, Odin gains Matter Manipulation.
Matter Manipulation: Odin gains an indefinite Armor Up Buff that increases his Armor by X and Energy Blasts inflict Armor Shattered, reducing the opponent's Armor Rating by X for X seconds.
Ancient Knowledge - Pre-Fight Ability
Rune of Conscience: Odin can select any Debuff to be immune to and one Non-Damaging Debuff to apply to his opponent while facing them. Both effects last indefinitely until the opponent is defeated.
Rune of Strategy: Odin can select one Node Ability to remove from his opponent. That ability is completely lost until the opponent is defeated.
Rune of Tactics: Odin's Attack Rating and Block Proficiency increase by X% for every hit landed by him and his opponent during the fight.
Rune of Transference: Odin can choose to convert all his damage output to Energy or Physical Damage.
Activating any Rune of Ancient Knowledge costs 5 Odinforce Charges
As a Defender, once Odin reaches 12 Odinforce Charges he randomly selects a Rune of Ancient Knowledge before a fight. Odin is also immune to the Rune of Strategy if he is a Defender.
A Defender in Alliance Quest and Alliance War is only subject to the removal of one Node.
As the leader of the Aesir, Odin is the most powerful of the Norse gods and is the paragon of their might. The abilities Odin has gained as the All-Father are the following:
Arcane Wisdom
Life Energy Manipulation
Mental Fortitude
Passive: All-Sight
Odin's unparalleled perception allows him to see through magical traps and illusions, gaining True Strike for X seconds when an opponent turns invisible or phases.
Passive: Arcane Wisdom
Odin's Class Disadvantage is reversed against Mystic Champions and their Attack Bonus becomes an Attack Penalty. Attempts to Power Steal or Power Lock Odin have a X% chance to fail and Odin Power Gains #% of the damage dealt from these attacks.
Passive: Life Energy Manipulation
Odin is immune to Heal Block and Heal Reversal effects.
All Debuffs suffer -X% Potency and Duration.
Passive: Mental Fortitude
All of Odin's abilities are unaffected by Ability Accuracy Reduction mechanics.
Odin is unaffected by Telepathic Attacks and is immune to Reverse Controls.
Odin's spear Gungnir, the Spear of Heaven, serves as a conduit to channel his Odinforce powers.
All attacks with Gungnir increase damage based on the amount of Odinforce by an additional X%.
Medium Attacks have X Block Penetration.
The reach of Heavy Attacks are extended by a force field that Stagger the opponent for X seconds in addition to dealing X Physical Damage.
Gungnir inflicts Energy Damage during Special Attacks.
Special 1, Special 2 & Special 3 TBD by Kabam
Aesir - Angela, Balder, Heimdall, Hela, Thor(s)
Angela: Nullify abilities chance to trigger is reduced by an additional X%.
Balder: Decrease cooldown of Ward of Light by X seconds.
Heimdall: X% chance to convert an expiring Armor Up Buff to an indefinite one.
Hela: Gains Indestructible for X seconds on first strike from opponent.
Thor: Increase Shock Damage by X%.
Thor (Ragnarok): Starts fight with a Combo Meter of 10.
Stormbreaker Thor: TBD
Odin: Gains 1 Odinforce Charge at the beginning of each fight per Aesir on his team.
Worthy - Odin, Thor(s), Captain America, Jane Foster, Beta Ray Bill
Gain X% Prowess
Adopted Son - Loki
Loki: Increases the Duration of all Buffs by 100% and increases Physical Resistance by X%.
Odin: True Strike deal additional X damage versus invisible or phasing opponents.
Not To Be Overlooked - Doctor Doom, Mephisto, Annihilus
Doctor Doom: Immune to Slow and Petrify Debuffs.
Mephisto: Generates 12% of a Power Bar per second when Frostbite and Coldsnap Debuffs fail.
Annihilus: Duration of Fury Buffs increase by X seconds.
Odin: Attack Rating is increased by X% versus Villains.
All Teammates
All champions regain X% health per Odinforce Charge between fight.
If you are wondering at the odd, or non-even numbers, associated with the Odinforce Signature Ability it is because the numbers 3 and 9, and hence multiples thereof, have special emphasis in Norse mythology.
For example, 3:
Odin was the ruler of the third generation of Norse gods and was one of three sons of Borr. In the Marvel Universe, the Odinforce was created by the essence of Odin's brothers after they sacrificed themselves so Odin could escape Surtur after the three stole the Eternal Flame from him.
The Word Tree, Yggdrasil, in Norse Mythology has three roots, one of which ran to the Well of Mimir that Odin drank out of to attain knowledge.
Then, most of all, Odin endured three hardships in his quest for the Runes of Knowledge: 1) He hanged himself from a branch of the World Tree, 2) Wounded himself with his spear, and 3) Sacrificed his eye.
And 9:
The Nine Realms are constantly referred to in the MCU and Norse mythology.
Odin hanged from the branch of Yggdrasil for nine days and night when he gained the Runes of Knowledge.
The Odinforce
The Odinforce has many applications in the Marvel Universe that don't necessarily translate well to a one-on-one match up in MCOC. With the Odinforce Odin is able to transport people and things and read minds across dimensions, stop time and travel through time, alter his size, heal the injured and sick. The list is nearly endless. In addition to all that it makes Odin a BAMF to the point where he can go up against Galactus and when the full force of it is unleashed it can destroy entire galaxies.
In fact, one of the above could be incorporated into Odin's Special 3 animation (I'm looking at you interdimensional teleportation and size alteration).
Victory Animation: It'd be cool if Odin's ravens, Munin & Hugin, perched on his shoulders or on a throne he was sitting on (like Anthony Hopkins in the MCU) along with his wolves, Freki & Geri, sitting nearby.
Everything is a draft until it is published. Thanks for the feedback.
After further analysis it seems I did not, so the problem is on your end, kindly fix this!