Missing items!!! HELP ASAP

I just opened 122 TB 4hr crystals and I checked my inventory to confirm and I’m wayyyy short. I claimed 214 lvl 3 potions and 70 refills I only see 39 in my overflow and 15 refills. Everything else seems to match it’s just those items I’m missing. I tried restarting and even deleted game and redownloaded. Pls help!


  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 7,957 ★★★★★
    You didn’t think 284 items out of 122 crystals didn’t seem right?
  • DigletGamingDigletGaming Member Posts: 849 ★★★★

    I just opened 122 TB 4hr crystals and I checked my inventory to confirm and I’m wayyyy short. I claimed 214 lvl 3 potions and 70 refills I only see 39 in my overflow and 15 refills. Everything else seems to match it’s just those items I’m missing. I tried restarting and even deleted game and redownloaded. Pls help!

    Well, i cant help you, sorry. But 214 level 3 health potions..... wow
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