How about my 6* luck so far

How about my 6* luck so far 94 votes

I hate you but congratulations
WolverDominatorLewisTheLlamathabandjxjWarBros23cscale0725_gmailAdvCowboyschamploo1Dart1981ZipioEtjamaSarvanga1_Thicco_ModeBonzodavidNimorAATTThoye3Maxwell24YsFrivetFabwizi 48 votes
Not bad mines better
AjisdopeSungjYoMovesBlackshadow0203FiiNCHAGENT_A7K 6 votes
Better than average
XxicylovexXKennadorockray2016PizzabeatLmaoMarvel2289-sixate-TotalMonster109Ctfz35XdSpoodermanxDAnnihilator13_Ksp_2099IronGladiator22LeoZedRenaxqqMephistoAlyzanCharlie21540Etherealityodishika123 27 votes
Mr_PlatypusVceeIcy000FaseehCowabunga 5 votes
Better luck next time hopefully
Rbk19MegaGalacticTheMailmannValentinos13 4 votes
Dude call a priest asap
Champ_ZTheHeroDeservedColonaut123Valmarx 4 votes


  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    I hate you but congratulations
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    I would say "not bad", but mine isnt any better. You have 5/8 good or better champs, which makes 62.5% of your champions usable and only 37.5% trash. I would say 7-8/10 bcs Doom is just so good.

    Just ftr my 6* roster is MK, IP, Cyclop, Nebula, VP, Howard, OR, Bishop, NT, Ebony, Spidergwen, Doc Ock, Memphisto, Longshot, Mysterio, Falcon. So yours is better 100%
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    I hate you but congratulations
    Kerneas said:

    I would say "not bad", but mine isnt any better. You have 5/8 good or better champs, which makes 62.5% of your champions usable and only 37.5% trash. I would say 7-8/10 bcs Doom is just so good.

    Just ftr my 6* roster is MK, IP, Cyclop, Nebula, VP, Howard, OR, Bishop, NT, Ebony, Spidergwen, Doc Ock, Memphisto, Longshot, Mysterio, Falcon. So yours is better 100%

    My thoughts exactly besides the roster.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Dude call a priest asap
    This requires an exorcist. Your luck is satanic!
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    Not bad mines better
    Granted, I'm considered the 'luckiest poor guy in the world', but
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    There is nothing I would hate you for. Congrats @cscale0725_gmail !!! But to be honest, i would only consider the King groot and Black panther civil war a little........ Less used. Still can be used for arena. Real real rare for defence maybe. I would consider the first 6 pretty awesome!! I consider MODOK great. Not only for defence purposes. Just, a 9/10, only for the king groot.
    Hey yeah, check out the synergy samba video about bpcw, maybe that's a lil fun. By dork lessons.
  • Prakhar_82Prakhar_82 Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    edited January 2021
    I hate you but congratulations

    There is nothing I would hate you for. Congrats @cscale0725_gmail !!! But to be honest, i would only consider the King groot and Black panther civil war a little........ Less used. Still can be used for arena. Real real rare for defence maybe. I would consider the first 6 pretty awesome!! I consider MODOK great. Not only for defence purposes. Just, a 9/10, only for the king groot.
    Hey yeah, check out the synergy samba video about bpcw, maybe that's a lil fun. By dork lessons.

    King Groot is pretty good with full synergies. Brian took him to rank 5 and a 4Loki memeber took his six star to rank 3.
    BPCV kinda sucks a lot more even with full synergies.
  • Zura_1Zura_1 Member Posts: 188
    I hate you but congratulations
    Just tell me how good is storm X...I hv her duped 6* rank 1...confused about ranking her up
  • Cowboyschamploo1Cowboyschamploo1 Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    I hate you but congratulations
    Zura_1 said:

    Just tell me how good is storm X...I hv her duped 6* rank 1...confused about ranking her up

    She's a beast especially if u have Apoc or prof x
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★

    There is nothing I would hate you for. Congrats @cscale0725_gmail !!! But to be honest, i would only consider the King groot and Black panther civil war a little........ Less used. Still can be used for arena. Real real rare for defence maybe. I would consider the first 6 pretty awesome!! I consider MODOK great. Not only for defence purposes. Just, a 9/10, only for the king groot.
    Hey yeah, check out the synergy samba video about bpcw, maybe that's a lil fun. By dork lessons.

    BPCV kinda sucks.
    What makes you say that, @Prakhar_82 ? She's easily one of the good ones!

  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    I hate you but congratulations

    There is nothing I would hate you for. Congrats @cscale0725_gmail !!! But to be honest, i would only consider the King groot and Black panther civil war a little........ Less used. Still can be used for arena. Real real rare for defence maybe. I would consider the first 6 pretty awesome!! I consider MODOK great. Not only for defence purposes. Just, a 9/10, only for the king groot.
    Hey yeah, check out the synergy samba video about bpcw, maybe that's a lil fun. By dork lessons.

    BPCV kinda sucks.
    What makes you say that, @Prakhar_82 ? She's easily one of the good ones!

    He said “BPCV”, which is Black Panther: Civil War. Not BWCV (Black Widow: Claire Voyant)
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    My bad, I'm sorry.
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    If that’s all you’ve got, then congratulations.

    At that level, I recall having a Green Goblin, an unduped Luke Cage, an Angela, Iron Fist, Doc Ock, Thor Rags. Plus a couple others I’ve blocked out of my memory.

    You have over 50% usefulness and only CWBP would qualify as useless in my opinion. I’d love it if half my 6*’s were useful.

    Dr. Zola
  • rivetrivet Member Posts: 256
    I hate you but congratulations
    Better than my 6 star roaster with 30 6 stars
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    I hate you but congratulations
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    I hate you but congratulations
    Why is there no plain and simple "I hate you" option?
  • WooptyfrickendooWooptyfrickendoo Member Posts: 184
    Better than average
    Most of them are mediocre but I would kill for a doom or a claire. Storm x is good but not amazing. And I would be jealous about she hulk but I have her as a 6 star already. Overall I still hate you cause I really really want doom as a 5 or 6 star.
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