Your Legendary Fights

What Victories are you proudest of? I think @SpideyFunko did a ROL Captain Marvel with a 3* Scarlet Witch (Although maybe that was someone else). Photographic evidence is cool, but war stories are appreciated.
Okay yes human torch is a cheat code but I'm not the best player at the game and only intercepting with like 5 parries actually made me feel proud
all i did was quake 6.1.2 Ultron with 1% health
Got the solo on this fight with Symbiote Supreme, no power boosts, no mystic dispersion, with an 186 hits combo and zero hits received.
I soloed the Champion twice during that quest exploration, but the prove yourself path solo was the most stressful, cause I knew there was no room to mess, since it’s very risky trying to parry Champion mid fight due to the unblockable medium/light attacks, which I wasn’t confident to lure and parry.
Warlock vs 7.1.6 gwenperion
Massacre vs 7.1.2 rhino
Doom vs 6.3.4 imiw
Doom vs John mulaney mysterios
I have so many favorite fights.
Using r3 she hulk and almost soloing the champion. Got him to 10% and blew all my units after that cuz of the block dmg
Getting 5.4 ultron down to 18% with 3* mags
This ones kinda sad and I’m still kinda mad, 739 hits with sentinel against crossbones and only getting him down to 60%, (screw ring)
I have a pair 1st time rol on a baby account 0 item with an extremely low team and my just screwing around in lol when I recently got aegon. Bugged and all lane 7 (kinda hybrid as I also took out abom) not even max lvl took me 3 revives and 10 lvl 3 hp. Got a bit scared as I didn't plan on doing it but just keep winning. I had next to no items built up if I lost.