Bugs I've notice post update

Vision AOU special 1 often not draining power from opponent or if it does it doesn't cause damage. (in all game content)
Quake heavy attack interrupted my X-23's special 1. (in Blades event quest)
Drax interrupted my Cap WW2's special 2 with a light attack. (in Basic Arena)
These only seem to be AI specific, the player cannot in turn do this to AI. In fact I often "hit" the AI with 2-3 attacks that whiff through them and then they fire off a special and blast me.
Quake heavy attack interrupted my X-23's special 1. (in Blades event quest)
Drax interrupted my Cap WW2's special 2 with a light attack. (in Basic Arena)
These only seem to be AI specific, the player cannot in turn do this to AI. In fact I often "hit" the AI with 2-3 attacks that whiff through them and then they fire off a special and blast me.