I love that most "nerf" posts are people who haven't read nodes.
Most? Thought it was all of them.
Nah. There's the other nerf posts which are because of a bug that then gets fixed. Then there's the "stealth nerf" posts in which nothing has changed and nothings bugged. Then there's the "arena crystals drop rates nerfed" posts in which it's just an RNG complaint.
I love that most "nerf" posts are people who haven't read nodes.
Most? Thought it was all of them.
Nah. There's the other nerf posts which are because of a bug that then gets fixed. Then there's the "stealth nerf" posts in which nothing has changed and nothings bugged. Then there's the "arena crystals drop rates nerfed" posts in which it's just an RNG complaint.
Make your Post Headers more constructive. Don't create clickbait kind of header. Instead of "Red magneto nerf" - could have written " Having some problem against V6 3.1 Ultron With Magneto " to the point clear straight. ✌🏼
But mostly it's not reading nodes.
And you are right.
Don't create clickbait kind of header.
Instead of
"Red magneto nerf" - could have written
" Having some problem against V6 3.1 Ultron With Magneto " to the point clear straight. ✌🏼