First R5!!! But who to choose? G2099? Red Mags?? Or BWCV???

So damn close to my first R5! Just 2 more T5cc! Can’t seem to decide. At the point in time where I’m trying to take on Act 6 ( endgame content for the most part ). But can’t seem to decide who to take up.

First R5!!! But who to choose? G2099? Red Mags?? Or BWCV??? 36 votes
She doesn't need a ramp like g-2099, and mags is OP against #metal, but that's only 1/3 of the fights. BWCV's immunities and regen make her a perfect sustainable lane clearer - which is what you want in a first r5.
1) Since it's your first rank 5 , you might be near 6.1 or atmost 6.2 starting. This is no longer ENDGAME CONTENT dude. Endgame content only comprises of Abyss and act 7 and now shut up.
2) In none of your threads, you didn't told a single time where you actually are and what you are trying to do next. You were just irritating like a monkey (it's kinda funny that you also have the dp of it lol) and calling it ENDGAME CONTENT ENDGAME CONTENT. (Thanos is just very disappointed lol.
Also, act 6 is still endgame content. It's harder than act 7 and abyss and literally, only one chapter of the next act has been released, so it's not like it's obsolete already.
BWCV benefits a lot more from the higher damage.