Contest not up to my lofty standards

Remember this message?!? This is what we used to get when there were bugs and it affected our play. It would be followed with some gifts for the summoner. We haven’t seen this in a long time. In lieu of this we get “Sorry” or “We are trying to push a fix”. The people behind this game forgot what it means to keep the customer happy. By all means fix the bugs; but when the dust settles compensate your CUSTOMERS with some swag!!! It costs you nothing to push out rewards for the summoners for putting up with your incompetence!!!
We like having new content, there is no doubt about it, but you guys are pushing more items for purchase and giving us more problems. Why would we want to purchase items if we keep receiving a substandard game from a company that doesn’t know how to take care of its customers?!? It’s not about us trying to get something for nothing, I play hard for what I have, I have laid out some bucks for new items etc. it’s about adequately compensating us for MONTHS of mistakes and bugs.
We like having new content, there is no doubt about it, but you guys are pushing more items for purchase and giving us more problems. Why would we want to purchase items if we keep receiving a substandard game from a company that doesn’t know how to take care of its customers?!? It’s not about us trying to get something for nothing, I play hard for what I have, I have laid out some bucks for new items etc. it’s about adequately compensating us for MONTHS of mistakes and bugs.
Kabams inability to fix bugs that have a direct impact on gameplay and this causing us to use items and spend - without compensation - is outrageous.
It’s blatant abuse of their patrons. It seems they intentionally create problems to induce spending so they profit.