Why did Kabam change how armor break work?

For some reason, the armor break tries to nullify an armor buff. The armor break was supposed to just remove the armor up buff

Nullifying and removing are two very different things in this game. An example of this is Captain Marvel.

If removing and nullifying were the same thing, this ability would not work against opponents with immunity to nullify, but ...

It works. In the video below you can see that even by applying armor break the cosmic rod is not removed because the armor break is not trying to nullify. The rod is only removed when Cap IW hits an attack with a kinectic potential.

I don't remember which update the armor break started to be treated as a nullify, Kabam simply changed and did not warn about. I just want to know the reason for this change. Because it simply makes Annihilus useless in any fight that has an armor break and it also changes some node interactions
His own ability removes the effect when a nullify ability was triggered.
And for some reason the armor break is working as a nullify, causing this ability to be activated. The armor break should only remove the armor up buff and not nullify
him in the attack, as Kabam is causing new characters to cause armor break by simply breathing like the Air Walker. this is annihilating Annihilus.