So...What do ya'll think of Civil Warrior?

Amari987Amari987 Member Posts: 10
edited September 2017 in Strategy and Tips
Like him? Hate him? Prefer him to the original? Like WWII better?

So...What do ya'll think of Civil Warrior? 52 votes

Captain America
AlCapone2727 1 vote
Civil Warrior
Neroa65Vision_41_LivingDeadGirlScorpionsKryptBenFuryTheHero456furymachine84SummonerB2Nexus_UY_ScutiThe_Doctor04KillerBee_samaHammerbro_64Markx 12 votes
Captain America WWII
RagamugginGunnerWhododo872Noob_2yrsWorld EaterSpity68Part_time_guy1vg2782RedmistGhengisHanBuckeyeKPUsername819273943Hazerfacelennie76UC439ViralalataLuismarquez131TheMageHunterSungjCosmic_Ray13Darkrider05 39 votes


  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    Pretty good champ, just wish he didn't activate md that much. He has good power drain and defensive abilities tho, that's for sure.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Captain America WWII
    He is basically a worse version of vision, not the worst champion but i wouldn't take him past 3/30 as a four star unless you really need a power control champion
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Civil Warrior
    And his block proficiency is better than most, but not better than Caps with vibranium shields
  • Topher_TowersTopher_Towers Member Posts: 81
    edited October 2017
    Your answers to this poll are dumb. Why ask what we think of him and post the names of different champions?
    He's a great champion. Mine is still 3/30 but only because i haven't duped him. Still one of my favorite champs for questing.
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 766 ★★★
    Your answers to this poll are dumb. Why ask what we think of him and post the names of different champions?
    He's a great champion. Mine is still 3/30 but only because i haven't duped him. Still one of my favorite champs for questing.

    He's asking if you like him more or less than the other two Caps. Maybe should have been worded a little different like how do you like CW compared to the other Caps but it does make sense.
  • ScorpionsKryptScorpionsKrypt Member Posts: 161
    Civil Warrior
    He's nothing special.
  • RedmistRedmist Member Posts: 31
    Captain America WWII
    he's cool, but not that cool
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    I like his health block, a high punch and it's done. Sadly he lag me the game a lot.

    He was my first (>2*) Tech and my only one for months.
  • furymachine84furymachine84 Member Posts: 92
    Civil Warrior
    I think he is more useful. He has heal block, power drain/lock, ability reduction, bleed/poison damage reduction, etc. Pretty good base
    crit rate/damage & better block prof & armor than either Vis or ultron. And actually 1 of the highest base block prof & armor % out all the 4*s in the game.
    Now, i wish his attack, crit rate & damage was higher. But oh well. I have managed some crazy stuff with him.
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    He's dangerous to use in war due to Magneto/MD. Nice boss fighter in aq with the power control and high block but kind of a pillowfist.
  • _LivingDeadGirl_LivingDeadGirl Member Posts: 160
    Civil Warrior
    Captain is for people who rely on blocking entirely too much. Otherwise there's not real utility or by any means high damage output there. Although for a science class champ he's decent, as that class as a whole suffers severely from good offensive options.

    Now his armor ups help him shrug off both bleed and poison effects. Similar to being resistent. His heavy is probably the only viable one for more difficult bosses in the game and works great against Dorm, Magik, meph, anyone with arc overload.

    His s2 drains a lot of power. So what if he doesn't hit quite as hard as other champs? He has a huge variety of almost priceless types of utility that you just don't get all in one character that often.

    He's severely underrated and used frequently as an attacker in higher tier wars and map 5 aq.
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