Mephisto - the return of dr strange

(Best 5 man team)
Heres the team i think is the most effective

Loki (thats right loki)
Loki ( a second one until you get morningstar)
Magneto ( trust me on this one)
Dr strange

Lets just clear the air now about adding dr strange with mephisto

ITS THE RETURN OF DR STRANGE. His life steal becomes huge. Welcome back my old friend, welcome back


  • Fluffydragon2Fluffydragon2 Member Posts: 109
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Confirmed bug and don't BUMP posts with just a difference of minutes of the last reply
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    You're thread didn't need bumped. Probably getting no comments because its "old news" and already a confirmed bug, like eXtripa already pointed out
  • Fluffydragon2Fluffydragon2 Member Posts: 109
    Its fixed. Not bugged anymore. The 70% power steal is in the description.
  • Fluffydragon2Fluffydragon2 Member Posts: 109
    Dr strange works normal again
  • Fluffydragon2Fluffydragon2 Member Posts: 109
    Its fixed. Not bugged anymore. The 70% power steal is in the description.
  • Fluffydragon2Fluffydragon2 Member Posts: 109
    How do you attatch video so i can post it
  • MrMojoMrMojo Member Posts: 97
    edited September 2017
    poor Dr Strange. Nerfed into oblivion while countless of other, better and more powerful champs have been released, with more abilities. Why not add something to his heavy attack ??? Look at hood, GR and all these other new champs who have heavy attacks that benefit them greatly

  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    So who exactly on that team is going to be the one to do damage?
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    So who exactly on that team is going to be the one to do damage?

    Plot twist: it's Magneto (sarcasm)
  • Aston316Aston316 Member Posts: 19
    some people are easily satisfied. Lets ignore the fact that dr strange's powergain is so slow that an attacking character gets to level 1 special before him. He also hits like homer in the boxing episode except for when he has fury which comes around once in a blue moon
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    I think Dr. Stranges power gain was nerfed because of Mystic Dispersion, instead of nerfing MD they nerfed Dr. Strange. His Counterspell plus MD makes up for the slow Power Gain. A lot of champs now get buffs that he can Counterspell or Nullify with his life steal Evocation.

    If he could steal a little more health then he wouldn't be so bad. I think if they added an ability to change his evocations to what he has now, and to maybe a "Rewind" evocation that would be cool. Give him the ability to switch to Magiks old sig ability. Maybe adding the old Rewind ability to his sig ability would make him great again, a small chance to reverse time to before you lost health.
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