Vulture to Mephisto and Mephisto to Vulture

TwuntTwunt Member Posts: 149
Why does Aura of Incineration work against Vulture who is immune to Incineration? Please don’t copout with “Aura is a passive energy damage and not a debuff, so it will bypass any immunity.”

Please don’t set that precedent.


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Vulture absorvs incinerate debuffs. DEBUFFS.
    Aura of incineration is not a debuff. Is like limbo but with burn damage
  • TwuntTwunt Member Posts: 149
    Exactly stupid. Then don’t call it Incinerate energy it Aura of Hades and do hellfire damage...
  • TwuntTwunt Member Posts: 149
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Vulture absorvs incinerate debuffs. DEBUFFS.
    Aura of incineration is not a debuff. Is like limbo but with burn damage

    I already preemptively said it wasn’t a debuff in my original post..
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    The difference between Iceman and Vulture is that only one of them is only immune to incinerate debuffs.
    Iceman is immune to incinerate. All incinerate that might appear sometimes in the future. This includes aura of incineration or incinerate debuffs.
    Vulture is only immune to incinerate debuffs. He isn't immune to incinerate damage
  • TwuntTwunt Member Posts: 149
    Lol. Okay.
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    only iceman immune to this damage.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »

    except incinrate in lol iceman is not immune there

    Thats a confirmed bug
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    eXtripa69 wrote: »

    Thats a confirmed bug

    It's been "confirmed" for 6 months now
  • MoeDur23MoeDur23 Member Posts: 46
    Just my two cents, but for the most part, the explanations given in this topic makes absolutely no sense...

    Unless Kabam is rewriting the English dictionary, incinerate means incinerate, thus burn damage whether debuff or not.
    So it would seem, the only thing Vulture us not immune to is Kabams Improper usage of language in terms of description and the functionality of it's programming. The better explanation to this topic is simply to look no further than how Kabam defines sword to understand better...


    1. A sharp instrument used to cuase bleed. 2.A sharp instrument that doesn't cuase bleed but looks hella cool.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Vulture gets chitauri charges instead of degeneration debuff. Thats pretty simple.
    How would he interact with aura of incineration? Get no charges but be immune makes no sense. Get a charge makes no sense because he is taking damage over time.
  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    Basically vulture is not immune because it is not a incinerate debuff, it's like magiks limbo. Nothing is being placed on him so he has to take the damage.
    End of discussion.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Incineration* instead of degeneration.
    Can't edit now
  • TwuntTwunt Member Posts: 149
    Incinerate is incinerate no matter how the damage comes about. Don’t get into semantics. You can’t explain away the avenue the damage comes from. Like I said, if you want to cause damage to an Incinerate immune champ, name it something else... Aura of Degeneration/Hellfire/Kabam. Don’t call it Aura or Incineration and let someone immune to Incinerate be damaged by it. This is asinine.

    Of course Kabam won’t respond to my posts because they let some fan provide some half-sassed response about the connotation of a word.

    I’d like to hear the “official word” from Kabam’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
  • TwuntTwunt Member Posts: 149
    We already know Iceman is a legitimate champ. But Vulture could be an actual useful champ if he was immune to Mephisto’s Aura...
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Read his ability description. He is not immune to incinerate, he absorbs incinerate debuffs applied to him converting them to energy. That’s not immunity and says nothing about incinerate energy damage which is what the aura is.
  • TwuntTwunt Member Posts: 149
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Read his ability description. He is not immune to incinerate, he absorbs incinerate debuffs applied to him converting them to energy. That’s not immunity and says nothing about incinerate energy damage which is what the aura is.

    Funny. When he gets hit with an Incinerate, it says “Immune” on the screen. I guess “Immune” means “Absorb.” Oh no, there is another message that pops up saying “Absorb,” so “Immune” in this context must mean “Converting.”

    I can poke holes in your remarks all day. What is the official word?
  • DHCVoLtDHCVoLt Member Posts: 266
    edited October 2017
    Twunt your arguing is pointless. You’re trying to sound like you know but you’re wrong. They are right. Says so in Vulture’s Abilities. Only debuffs, since aura of incineration isnt a debuff Vulture isn’t immune. You’re arguing the English language so I assume you know the difference between damage and a debuff? It’s just like soul barbs compared to magneto’s base hits. Captain marvel absorbs energy damage from blocked HITS. So even though soul barbs deal energy damage if she has her fury, she isn’t getting the absorption. But since magneto’s base HITS deal energy damage she gets it. She isn’t getting it just because it’s energy damage, it’s specific. Just like Vulture. It’s the same as that. Stop arguing semantics and read his abilities
  • TwuntTwunt Member Posts: 149
    You make a ridiculous point. Captain Marvel still takes damage from energy damage. Just a percentage of that same damage is absorbed into energy. On screen in game it says Vulture is IMMUNE. I can capitalize words to emphasize my points also. :)

    I find it funny that gamers argue on behalf of Kabam. Someone said he wasn’t Immune yet it says so on the screen when hit by Incineration. Debuff or damage, English is a pretty easy language to comprehend. I don’t care if it comes from a DEBUFF or a passive - the fact is that the damage is considered INCINERATION. - Which Vulture should Absorb and be Immune to as it says on the screen and in his abilities.

    Either way, whether an answer comes from the dev or a fan, it will be a cop out so Mephisto can’t be stopped but with one champ.
  • edited October 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • DHCVoLtDHCVoLt Member Posts: 266
    DHCVoLt wrote: »
    Twunt your arguing is pointless. You’re trying to sound like you know but you’re wrong. They are right. Says so in Vulture’s Abilities. Only debuffs, since aura of incineration isnt a debuff Vulture isn’t immune. You’re arguing the English language so I assume you know the difference between damage and a debuff? It’s just like soul barbs compared to magneto’s base hits. Captain marvel absorbs energy damage from blocked HITS. So even though soul barbs deal energy damage if she has her fury, she isn’t getting the absorption. It’s the same as that. Stop arguing semantics and read his abilities
    Twunt wrote: »
    You make a ridiculous point. Captain Marvel still takes damage from energy damage. Just a percentage of that same damage is absorbed into energy. On screen in game it says Vulture is IMMUNE. I can capitalize words to emphasize my points also. :)

    I find it funny that gamers argue on behalf of Kabam. Someone said he wasn’t Immune yet it says so on the screen when hit by Incineration. Debuff or damage, English is a pretty easy language to comprehend. I don’t care if it comes from a DEBUFF or a passive - the fact is that the damage is considered INCINERATION. - Which Vulture should Absorb and be Immune to as it says on the screen and in his abilities.

    Either way, whether an answer comes from the dev or a fan, it will be a cop out so Mephisto can’t be stopped but with one champ.

    I’m not arguing on behalf of Kabam. I’m arguing on the point of vulture’s abilities. I never mentioned Kabam. Yes captain Marvel takes energy damage, but not ALL energy damage. Coldsnap does energy damage but she doesn’t absorb that. It’s because there’s a specific way she does it, it isn’t from every source of it. If that’s still to hard to understand think of what Vulture’s abilities say, it doesn’t say immune it says “Incinerate feeds Vulture’s chitauri energy and gives him extra” or something like that. But it doesn’t say he’s immune. When he gets an incinerate it never says immune, it just goes away and his chirauri energy goes up. That’s because it’s on him, you can’t absorb an ability that’s on the other champion. Since the incinerate is on Mephisto, Vulture can’t absorb it. Also, I never said I agreed with the decision of that. I think he should just be immune, I’m not endorsing Kabam’s choices. Don’t twist my words. I’m simply telling it how it is
  • TwuntTwunt Member Posts: 149
    Agreed. And thank you for mediating. I will just patiently wait for Kabam logic to reply.
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    Twunt is questioning the game mechanics while others are explaining how the game mechanics work. Different question.

    On topic: I think that debuff vs passive distinction is bad but it happens in other areas as well. I personally think they should only use debuffs and buffs for everything and remove this passive by-pass route.

  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    Vulture vs Red Hulk.

    Vulture is not immune to the bonus energy damage that comes from heat charges.
    Vulture is immune to the incinerate debuff that would come from his SP2 or SP3, since that is an actual debuff.

    Basically, Vulture is only immune to DoT's, not direct damage.

    That said, the aura being countered by only one champ, and his 10% regen currently working on modified health instead of base in AW... yeah, kabam knew what they were doing making him.
  • TrumpootTrumpoot Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2017
    dkatryl wrote: »
    Basically, Vulture is only immune to DoT's, not direct damage.

    don't have vulture, so not actually taking sides in this argument. just wondering about this DOT vs Direct damage.

    how do the descriptions compare to NC wording?

    "NC cutlass has xx chance to strike a Deep Wound. dealing xxx Bleed damage instantly..."

    Just wondering if Kabam was consistent in the concept. Vision immune to bleed, and ALSO to instant bleed...

    maybe instantly means something different than direct damage?

    edit: maybe it is unrelated. I do see what you say about vulture not being immune to incinerate, only to having incinerate buffs placed on him.
  • TrumpootTrumpoot Member Posts: 186
    dkatryl wrote: »
    aura being countered by only one champ, and his 10% regen currently working on modified health instead of base in AW... yeah, kabam knew what they were doing making him.

    And the node has "enhanced incinerate". first time I've noticed. can someone confirm? is this it's first appearance?

  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    Trumpoot wrote: »
    how do the descriptions compare to NC wording?

    "NC cutlass has xx chance to strike a Deep Wound. dealing xxx Bleed damage instantly..."

    Just wondering if Kabam was consistent in the concept. Vision immune to bleed, and ALSO to instant bleed...

    maybe instantly means something different than direct damage?

    NC deep wound ability requires a bit of mental gymnastics to get what they are saying, but it doesn't work the same way that the mastery WITH THE SAME NAME!!! Which can easily cause confusion.

    The mastery requires a bleed debuff (DoT) to be applied in order for the extra damage (Direct Damage) to be taken.
    NC's Deep Wound works off of critical hits (Direct Damage) in order for the extra damage (Direct Damage) to be taken.

    That said, NC's Deep Wound is classified as bleed damage, so direct or not, champs that say they are bleed immune don't take the extra damage. Champs like AV/OML that can shrug off debuffs aren't actually immune, so they still take the damage.

    Additionally, iirc, they specifically stated that NC's Deep Wounds did not stack with the mastery, so you can't double dip.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Trumpoot wrote: »

    And the node has "enhanced incinerate". first time I've noticed. can someone confirm? is this it's first appearance?

    Act 5 chapter 3. Green Goblin also has that node
  • DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 434 ★★
    Dang they really did miss a good chance to make Vulture not useless and they missed it .
  • TwuntTwunt Member Posts: 149
    Good debate. I give up. Vulture remains useless.
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    To me this doesn't really make sense either. If you can convert an incineration debuff into energy, why can't you convert incineration damage into energy? They keep pushing the line on things like this and it makes things confusing. You can either absorb or be immune to all types of incineration or you can't. They should really stop putting these fine lines on debuffs/damage that in the end cause more confusion and outrage.

    Bottom line, is if Vulture can convert incinerate debuffs, he should at least absorb (similar to CM) incinerate damage.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Vulture only converts incineration debuffs to chitauri energy because thats his ability. It's specific, he isn't immune to incineration.
    Red hulk isn't immune to poison too
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