Looking for active players

Hey guys we've just started our second alliance immortal Vampires and are looking for people to help it grow. Our first alliance is the chosen (dacho) which is 24mil strong and scoring 170mil plus a week aq. We have made this alliance as either somewhere for a more relaxed gameplay or as a bridge to the bigger alliance. All we ask is that people have line and are active. We will be running map3 and map4 once full and 1bg for war which will be optional. We welcome anyone that wishes to join. But must be at least uncollected or higher. We are a very friendly alliance and wish to build a second cyber family. We would happily accept a full bg of players or even a merger with a least the leader and an officer for instant promotion to officer and help to run the alliance. Thank you my in game name is daywalker22 add me on there and we can arrange to speak on line. Hope everyone is well