Increase in Synergies tied to * Rating

In the past year there has been an increase in synergies not being available to champions until the 5* version of the champion which I find to be quite concerning when it comes to the value of lower rarity champions, the value of cavalier crystals to players, and the amount of fun available to players. I am very concerned this will be the new norm and I don't find the ramifications to be favorable to the player base at all.
Most recently there has been a tear of synergies locked behind 5* rarity or higher. Chronologically 6 of the last 9 champions have had at least one synergy locked behind 5* rarity or better. Stryfe, Jubilee, Immortal Abomination, Immortal Hulk, Apocalypse, and Professor X. I am not sure when the first 5* synergy was made but it goes as far as Invisible Woman at the very least.
Newer players down the road who find themselves trying to complete content with 4* champs will definitely be disadvantaged as these champions will represent less value for resources spent ranking them up as they lose firepower not having the synergies and they lose long-term value as synergy partners for the 5* they pull down the road. Older players who already have an established roster might want to mess around with new synergies and obtaining a 4* which wont get ranked up but might have some value for synergies is now useless. I can understand some OP synergies such as the Stryfe synergies being a little more gated but seemingly innocuous synergies like Tigra's 'West Coast Avengers' being gated seems so odd. If I wore a tin foil hat I would say these 'useless' synergies gated behind 5* rarity champs was to get us used to the idea. At the end of the day I would prefer to not have any synergies gated behind needing a 5* or higher as it poses no benefit to the player base. It certainly reduces the value of buying cavalier crystals as pulling a 4* featured champ is less of a consolation prize as not only did you not get an end game viable champ, you didn't even get the complete package of a champion design.
If anyone knows the first time a 5* rarity champ was required for a synergy that would be cool if you would post it. Sunspot was the first 4* I pulled that I was excited to get for synergies only to realize A.I.M. Technology synergy was locked behind 5* and just recently Jubilee bummed me out as well. I really wanted to try the Sentinel Synergy. All that to say there was a recent catalyst for posting this, but I have been watching this trend for a while.
Most recently there has been a tear of synergies locked behind 5* rarity or higher. Chronologically 6 of the last 9 champions have had at least one synergy locked behind 5* rarity or better. Stryfe, Jubilee, Immortal Abomination, Immortal Hulk, Apocalypse, and Professor X. I am not sure when the first 5* synergy was made but it goes as far as Invisible Woman at the very least.
Newer players down the road who find themselves trying to complete content with 4* champs will definitely be disadvantaged as these champions will represent less value for resources spent ranking them up as they lose firepower not having the synergies and they lose long-term value as synergy partners for the 5* they pull down the road. Older players who already have an established roster might want to mess around with new synergies and obtaining a 4* which wont get ranked up but might have some value for synergies is now useless. I can understand some OP synergies such as the Stryfe synergies being a little more gated but seemingly innocuous synergies like Tigra's 'West Coast Avengers' being gated seems so odd. If I wore a tin foil hat I would say these 'useless' synergies gated behind 5* rarity champs was to get us used to the idea. At the end of the day I would prefer to not have any synergies gated behind needing a 5* or higher as it poses no benefit to the player base. It certainly reduces the value of buying cavalier crystals as pulling a 4* featured champ is less of a consolation prize as not only did you not get an end game viable champ, you didn't even get the complete package of a champion design.
If anyone knows the first time a 5* rarity champ was required for a synergy that would be cool if you would post it. Sunspot was the first 4* I pulled that I was excited to get for synergies only to realize A.I.M. Technology synergy was locked behind 5* and just recently Jubilee bummed me out as well. I really wanted to try the Sentinel Synergy. All that to say there was a recent catalyst for posting this, but I have been watching this trend for a while.
Good thing I pulled a 6 star Apoc later
IMO, all synergies should not become available for all rarities of champions. It makes sense, at least to rarity canon. Less rare champions have less overall power and are less valuable. The gating of synergies complies with that.
It has all the synergies