Arcade Stamp Requirements For Prizes too high!

For an event with such limited resources, the requirements to get the prizes are ridiculous high! 15 for every single prize was too high for requirements. If you made mistake of NOT playing Xmen game twice you cant get the Cavalier 80 stamp or even Epic 5-star awakening gem.
All the arcades should have equal number of stamps (3) It was very deceptive and not good practice to warn people AFTER event started. I played the Spiderman and Avenger game ONE time each to see how it was but now Im short like 5 stamps and I cant even get a lower tier prize cus EVERY prize is 15.....even in real arcades they always have lower ticket prizes!
9 extra stamps amd I cant even get a heroic prize!
All the arcades should have equal number of stamps (3) It was very deceptive and not good practice to warn people AFTER event started. I played the Spiderman and Avenger game ONE time each to see how it was but now Im short like 5 stamps and I cant even get a lower tier prize cus EVERY prize is 15.....even in real arcades they always have lower ticket prizes!
9 extra stamps amd I cant even get a heroic prize!