Kabam needs a month off!

I’m sure most of us agree that this game is getting continuously frustrating with the increased amount of bugs within this game. Every month we get this new hype about new characters and new events etc.. but all previous bugs from prior months get swept under the mat and more issues arise. I’m sure you can name and endless amount of bugs we’ve all experienced in the past and it’s understandable that these can occur, however, the rate they being fixed and the rate new bugs keep coming up, it’s becoming a joke.
I would be more happy with a month whereby we get no new champs and no hyped up event but rather a month where kabam hypes up a month stating they will be focussing on fixing the game. A less bugged game is better than bringing out new content that adds to the pile of more bugs.
They should have a promo where for example they say “this June, bug fixes coming to you. No new champs no new event, just us fixing the game so that we can make this game playable for our users once again!”
Just focusing on fixing the problems on the current stuff rather than bringing us more broken s*&@.
I would be more happy with a month whereby we get no new champs and no hyped up event but rather a month where kabam hypes up a month stating they will be focussing on fixing the game. A less bugged game is better than bringing out new content that adds to the pile of more bugs.
They should have a promo where for example they say “this June, bug fixes coming to you. No new champs no new event, just us fixing the game so that we can make this game playable for our users once again!”
Just focusing on fixing the problems on the current stuff rather than bringing us more broken s*&@.
Even worse, it's not hard to have someone USE the character they're buffing to notice that he isn't healing off of willpower, which is so much part of his kit that they specifically mentioned it as a dev note on his release breakdown post.
Less used characters and old nodes I can understand, but literally one of the path nodes in map 7 aq straight up not working? Come on.