What’s so good about Venom?

Ahoy_LadiesAhoy_Ladies Member Posts: 10
edited February 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I recently pulled a 5* venom, and I see that on seatin’s teir list, he’s listed as Solid God tier. I’ve been playing around with him on RoL, and I don’t see what’s so good about him. Can someone please help me understand, and should I replace my storm pyramid x with him on my team?
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  • StoNerdStoNerd Member Posts: 182
    Venom is one of the fun playing champ. Can cheese V2,V5,V6.
    Best Spidey counters. Very satisfying to use in incrusions, cav difficulty and general questing(sometimes).
    Even though I barely use him now a days, he gets work done if you bring him.

    Storm x is niche champ as well and useful in some annoying situations. But venom is just fun to use.
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  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    He has very basic abilities, in the form of damage buffs, resistance buffs, bleed, regen (against buffed opponents during L1), armor break on heavies, and a finisher phase. He also prevents spiderfolk from evading and cannot be power drained by tech champs (when he has his black Klyntar buff active).

    They are fairly basic but all of them are handy in many different areas. A great everyday quester as well as good for some trickier matchups.
  • MrBanksMrBanks Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★
    Cheese champ
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,541 ★★★★★
    Shuts down every Spidey evades
    True strike at 18% of enemy
    Many buffs which counters many parts of game like buffed up, Havoc match up
    Solid damage output
    Good for variants
    Good for burden of might if there is tech champ cuz tech can't power drain him
    Regen on sp 1 by nullifying
    Stacks good bleeds
    Armor break
    Does not need Sig ability
    My 5/65 is awesome and use him in Aq map 5
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    Djin said:

    He's good for almost all the variants.
    Spider champ evade counter.
    True Strike if opponent is below 18% health (IMIW counter).
    Can activate indefinite armor up buff (havok counter).
    Buffed up counter.
    Immune to power drain against tech champions.
    Stack bleed debuffs.
    Nullify-regen buffs on sp1
    Doesn't need to be awakened.
    Add if I missed anything.

    To clarify, he can eat/nullify buffs on champions and regens health back.
  • DarkZenDarkZen Member Posts: 295 ★★
    Does Venom need to be awaken ?
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  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    He's Venom.
  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    DarkZen said:

    Does Venom need to be awaken ?

  • neglass7neglass7 Member Posts: 217
    The omming and the nomming
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    edited February 2021
    Venom is really a awesome champ. I actually regret about worrying about having him as my first 6 star champion. He's Really great!
    Unfortunately, ROL is not the best place to test his best features. When not awakened, he can have upto 7 indefinite buffs, non expiring ones, which can be a armor up, physical resistance, fury, precision or cruelty.
    Armor breaks on heavies quite long, also switches the most recent buff with one of the other (among the 5 buffs) . Nullify on sp1 to regen health, so helps to get health back even if clipped by one or 2 hits sometimes. Spider-verse tagged champs cannot evade him, until he has the klyntar buff, the buff that generates the other buffs. True strike when opponent is below 18%, decent bleeds on crits. He's a well-rounded champ for all content until 5.2 IMO. He maybe useful after that to, but i say 5.2 because that's where I am and i have used him all the way from 5.1 . There is no specific rotation for him, it depends on who you fight against.

    Congrats on having him. If i had missed anything, i hope @Fluffy_paws can give you more info. He/She was hunting him for a long time, so they must really know how good Venom is better than me.
  • avenge_123avenge_123 Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★
    He's good bcoz he's poison.
  • XanatosXanatos Member Posts: 20

    I recently pulled a 5* venom, and I see that on seatin’s teir list, he’s listed as Solid God tier. I’ve been playing around with him on RoL, and I don’t see what’s so good about him. Can someone please help me understand, and should I replace my storm pyramid x with him on my team?

    Attacks can cause bleeds (Deep wounds mastery makes this even better)

    Heavy attacks cause armor break

    Sp1 eats buffs on the opponent and heals Venom at the same time.

    Sp2 is great if you’re against a bleed immune champ, it converts his genetic memory buffs into furies.

    Power burn and power drain immunity with kylntar buff up against tech champs.

    Spiderverse heroes can’t evade him

    When the opponent has 18% health or less he gains truestrike and his specials are unblockable.

    He’s Venom.

    Pretty much everything that’s been said already. He’s a great champ, very useful, one of my faves, he has great utility and good damage. Not sure where you are in the game but I used him all the way through hitting cavalier. Not sure how good he is after that, great for most variants too. Venom > Storm px for sure.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    To summarize what everyone else has been saying, he just handles so many fights so well with his Basic yet Expansive Kit, he is one of those few Champions that can handle a good 80% of the existing fights in this game with ease and there's not much that totally shuts him down.

    Mini Detail Rant on Matchups: With All Champions you'll have a couple Small Things that will make them a bit less effective but still usable, then 2 or 3 Big Things that could totally shut them down, Venom does not have any real common Big Shut Down Matchups. If the Enemy has a Nullify Aura you still got the Very Common Bleeds, in a Bleed Immune matchup you can focus on Cruelty Buffs and just down the Enemy with those Big Yellow Numbers everyone loves, if there's a Recoil Fight then ignore Furies+Cruelties and go for only Precision to quickly melt the Enemy and take not as much damage back then in a later fight Heal with the Sp1, and so on, my point is there's only a Very Few Set of Specific Circumstances where he is Completely shut down and it takes a group of things in each circumstance (for example Morningstar who's Bleed Immune Mystic with a node that let's her Passively Nullify) and it's not like you'll run into them in every quest.

    One thing I think no one has mentioned is he doesn't Need any Synergies, there's some that will make him even better yes but he doesn't rely on them, you can slot him in any team with a spare spot and you're good to go.
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  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★
    I wrote this a while back, everything has probably been said but since I have been summoned

    Strengths aka Buffs
    Venom is the King of buffs. He starts off with his Klyntar mutation buff. He basically needs this buff to be useful. It can be nullified or removed by incinerate.
    This buff generates more buffs. Armour, Physical Resist, Creulty, Precision, Fury.
    An unduped Venom will start with 1 buff and gain 1 buff every 9 seconds.
    If you get a trash (armour, physical resist) buff, use the heavy to reroll it. (The heavy attack also gives opponent an armour break - no phase for Ghost, bye Diamond form for Emma.)
    Armour Up buff is not trash when fighting Havok. You NEED it. Otherwise when you bleed Havok, RIP.
    I try to stack as many cruelty and precision as possible because crits apply bleeds and more bleeds = more damage.
    If you get a stack of bad buffs, the sp2 converts all buffs to fury buffs. Then you can start again.
    If you've got good buffs, only use it to end the fight. Otherwise you gotta build buffs again.
    When he reaches his max buffs I usually go for sp3, he gets 5% damage per buff.
    My favourite special is the sp1. He om noms enemy buffs and gains health. Each strike has 55% chance and he has like 3 strikes so it's pretty reliable. However, I think it does count as a nullify so it sucks against Mystic Ward or nullify resistance (like Angela with her sig I guess). He can om nom Colossus' armour buffs though.
    Good buffs: sp1 until max buffs (7) then sp3.
    His Klyntar buff gives him immunity to power drain from tech champs. Vision's sp 1 and 2 don't do any damage.
    If you hit Red Skull's block you don't lose power but you still take the direct damage. Spiders can't evade him. He has a higher chance to apply bleeds to hero champs.
    When the opponent reaches 18% health, Venom gains True Strike and Unblockable specials. This (the last time I checked) doesn't kick in if the opponent drops to or below 18% during the special. But it's great for IMIW's last 15%.

    - Warlock
    Warlock's Infection lasts 20 seconds. But it decreases by 6 secs for every unique buff on the opponent. Venom can easily have 4 unique buffs. That's 24 seconds decreased duration.
    Additionally, he can om nom or break Warlock's armour.
    This fool has a Control rod buff. Om nom.

    As the King of buffs, Rich get richer is quite nice for him.
    Watch out for certain champs that punish you for applying bleeds. They're unavoidable.
    Elsa degens him. Cable degens him, Abomination poisons him. Omega gains death field and he dies.
    BWCV is a double bad matchup because she'll gain power from the bleeds AND she'll nullify a lot of his buffs.
    Any node that inflicts Incinerate. You can use him against Sunspot and stuff, he's fine but if you get hit, you lose the Klyntar Buff. But not the generated buffs. So it comes back 9 seconds after the incinerate falls off. Buffet. Pilfer nodes. Bad
    Symbiote Supreme.
    and then the rest of the mystic class that nullify without you getting hit. Man-Thing applies his weird buffs and nullifies on Contact. I think this counts when venom parries/hits him. So he gets poisoned. I use Hype sometimes against him but Hype is poison immune so I'm not too sure. Just avoid Man-Thing. And Longshot.

    He honestly works for most non mystics and non buff-punishing nodes. He doesn't need syngery. He gives himself 4% extra health (and other symbiotes), gains 1 extra buff with Carnage, 20% bleed duration with Sym, some extra power gain and crit rate with DH, GR. Nothing he needs.
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  • EtherealityEthereality Member Posts: 685 ★★★
    If you have Deep Wounds and Assasin Masteries ( preferably maxxed) then he becomes God tier at the very least , maybe even Beyond God.
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