Anybody mind taking a few minutes to teach me the ways of BWCV?

As the title says, I could use some help learning Black Widow Clair Voyant. She is an unawakened 5* at Rank 4. I know she's good, but I feel like I'm playing her wrong. I don't run suicides and I never will. I'm trying to push for Cav if that helps. If anybody could help me out, or link a guide that would be amazing. I couldn't find a guide on the forums but maybe I'm just blind. Cause I have been known to be blind.
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
edit: he’s been muted (and banned) so I don’t think it’d be easy to find. Don’t know if it was good either
I typically go straight to the third curse to get the extra damage on the SP2 and if I need to regen health I'll stay on the first curse. This is just a BWCV guide for dummies as there is a lot of other ways you can play her. It just depends on the opponent and nodes your working with.
Furthermore, her sp1 and her second Medium in a combo will try to inflict a debuff of her current Curse on the opponent, and a Heavy attack tries to inflict 3 debuffs. If the opponent is immune to the debuff, she gains power from trying to apply it. That's an awesome way to throw a lot of sp2. Her Sp2 also puts a Buff Immunity debuff on the opponent, which means if the opponent tries to trigger a buff, she'll also gain extra power.
There's a bit more twist and turns, but I hope that helps a bit to understand her. Pulled her back in December, took her straight to R5, and she's amazing. Act 6, Act 7, Variant 5, EQ... She's a Jack of trades.
And if you're going for Cav, she's a solid option for that Crossbones in 6.1.5, you can get rid of the Poison on you by just ending your first combo on a 4th Light attack and activating her Curse of Poison.
Now, let's say more than one of these is true. For example, let's say you are fighting a bleed immune enemy, but you need power control. In that case, go for MLLLM in curse of blood until you're close to an Sp2, then switch to curse of plague and use Sp2. This way you will generate power for an Sp2 faster as you gain power every time the enemy is immune to any of Claire's debuffs.
Claire is also great if you need to get rid of enemy buffs as she inflicts buff immunity on her Sp2, getting rid of all their buffs and granting you power for each one. For each buff that you get rid of in this way, you gain a Clairvoyance Charge which can be used to nullify a buff when buff immunity is not active. You also gain a Clairvoyance Charge each time the enemy is immune to one of your debuffs.
Side note: Claire is perfect for the stun immune node as each time you parry, you gain power as parry inflicts a debuff that the enemy is immune to. For stun immune enemies, I just use Claire, reparry like a madman, and spam Sp2. Works great.