Looking for AQ focused, AW optional no line

Im looking for AQ focused ally with no line, AW optional.
10K prestige
Eastern Time
IG: Th3N0t0r10uS (they are Ceros not Os)


  • greyblue42greyblue42 Member Posts: 157
    Hello! We might be what you are looking for.

    We’re are pretty relaxed but quite active. We are a good place for Newbies, Returners or second accounts to grow. Of course, we would be happy if you join us and find a new home with us.

    Here a few stats:

    Alliance Quest (AQ): Map 2 + Modifiers (No Locked Champions!)
    Alliance War (AW) 1 BG – currently Silver 3
    Alliance Rating:
    Alliance Prestige: 5731
    Average Member Rating: 357.522

    There is only one rule: All players need to be active somewhere in the game and tribute this way to the alliance event goals or AQ/AW. You choose in which part of the game you want to participate – nothing is mandatory. BUT we do kick members if they are more than 14 days offline.

    If you join AQ/AW you also need to actively contribute by clearing the paths in the attack phase.

    We do have a LINE chat for exchanging information and asking for advice, but LINE is not mandatory.

    Sounds interesting for you?

    Then add me for asking more questions or sent a request to join our Alliance

    Alliance tag: KR33!
    Alliance Name: The Terran Kree
    My IGN: Greyblue42
  • greyblue42greyblue42 Member Posts: 157
    Hello! We might be what you are looking for.

    We’re are pretty relaxed but quite active. We are a good place for Newbies, Returners or second accounts to grow. Of course, we would be happy if you join us and find a new home with us.

    Here a few stats:

    Alliance Quest (AQ): Map 2 + Modifiers (No Locked Champions!)
    Alliance War (AW) 1 BG – currently Silver 3
    Alliance Rating: 11.062.826
    Alliance Prestige: 6.065
    Average Member Rating: 395.100

    There is only one rule: All players need to be active somewhere in the game and tribute this way to the alliance event goals or AQ/AW. You choose in which part of the game you want to participate – nothing is mandatory. BUT we do kick members if they are more than 14 days offline.

    If you join AQ/AW you also need to actively contribute by clearing the paths in the attack phase.

    We do have a LINE chat for exchanging information and asking for advice, but LINE is not mandatory.

    Sounds interesting for you?

    Then add me for asking more questions or sent a request to join our Alliance

    Alliance tag: KR33!
    Alliance Name: The Terran Kree
    My IGN: Greyblue42
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  • FeroX_the_fat_heringFeroX_the_fat_hering Member Posts: 311 ★★
    Hey man, we don’t have line or discord or any of that, at the moment we score just over 150m in AQ, AW is only in season and optional (2bg’s).

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