What would you do?

Rocket_RidesRocket_Rides Member Posts: 10
edited February 2021 in Strategy and Tips

I have this awakening gem and want to use but I have no idea who actually needs it, what would you do?

What would you do? 34 votes

Malreck04shadow_lurker22KDSuperFlash10EtjamaSarvanga1_H3t3rAmnetiesWill3808The_Sentry06[Deleted User]avenge_123Zippy_halliganRocket_Rides 13 votes
ColleenmanveertherealRenaxqqBarani7daValmarxMessy151XanatosTheBoogyManMck3nz13_F1gu31 9 votes
AGENT_A7K 1 vote
Save it
Luke9523EdwxnJr_StarkFaseehTheBair123Invicta_HellionDarkstalkerProfessorpro_789Cam97 9 votes
Ben_15455Grean 2 votes


  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    It really helps out Falcon's damage in non-evade matchups. So, if you are looking to use Falcon,mit's a solid investment.
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  • Rocket_RidesRocket_Rides Member Posts: 10
    @Faseeh I have aegon but not nick, but then again I could have a Brian grant moment
  • ValmarxValmarx Member Posts: 521 ★★★
    voted blade out of all here but id save for NF or Aegon.
    but the reality is quite hurting since I had Skill AG too and once I got NF i awakened him
    just for 2 weeks later pull him on Basic.
    many folks in my Alliance experienced the same with Aegon or Blade...
    if you early into the game, before Cavalier, don't worry spending that Awakening Gem since
    you get planty more
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    I'd personally save it, but go Falcon if you feel the need to use it. Blade's already fallen out of the metal while Falcon's rising into it. And his awakened ability is key to the character imo. The AAR is a lot more practical and it helps his damage in non-evade matchups.
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★
    Taskmaster, duh
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,955 ★★★★★
    I personally would use it on falcon. His sig ability helps him a lot and I think he’s the best out of those champions except maybe moleman (moleman doesn’t need to be awakened though). Some one could argue and say save it if you don’t have a generic or another gem that could be used on fury or aegon but in my opinion it’s worth it to use it now.
  • Ben_15455Ben_15455 Member Posts: 420 ★★
    Aegon or Nick Fury if you don’t have them or they are not awakened
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    or falcon, personally that regen would help more than the extra damage.
  • Cam97Cam97 Member Posts: 438 ★★
    Save it
    I have Fury duped and maxed out, falcon in the process of ranking up, and 1 skill gem. Im waiting on AeGod. Fury and Aegon are worth it bc of tbe end result and falcon can still slay without his sig. Imho
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