What’s yours is mine map 7 bugged

The fury buff from applying weakness does not always proc as it is supposed to. I noticed this using Apocalypse when using L1 to apply weakness, he would still hit like a baby. Also, on that note, reapplying it with his heavy does not re-proc the fury buff from the node. So you basically have to wait out the weakness debuff each time before firing another L1 to apply a new one. On day 5 this is not easy to do within 3 minutes.
In this video clip, I show a sig 200
CAIW on the node. As you can see, sometimes the fury procs, sometimes it doesn’t. Weakness is applied every time. Fury buff procs sometimes. Link is below.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
In this video clip, I show a sig 200
CAIW on the node. As you can see, sometimes the fury procs, sometimes it doesn’t. Weakness is applied every time. Fury buff procs sometimes. Link is below.

@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra
But about apocalypse, yes, that would be great if he could re-proc it when re-applying it. Having to wait out each debuff is not feasible past day 1 or maybe 2. Even with a R3.
Removed pacify mastery and it worked as intended each weakness application.
Note and suggestive feedback to mods and developers, why invest in masteries that reduce your own offensive ability accuracy? Ability Accuracy and it’s effect on node interaction needs to be looked at. For example, on matador nodes, using Magneto, if fighting a metal champ will only gain power 30% of the time when the defender uses a special attack. This is not good. Ability accuracy reduction should help the champion who is applying it not punish them.