Join friendly and fun alliance - Line is a must - Uncollected or above

140 million AQ - 15 million alliance 21 members looking for 9 more
We are a solid group of mostly Cavalier players and want a third battlegroup in AQ that can handle map 4 with heroic mods.
AW we have 1 BG for now S2 Tier 8, all participants are set.
You can get guidance to progress your account, so minimum at Uncollected level with a solid roster.
We require that you are active, and understand that we all have a life outside of this game too. Communication is key.
Add me on Line or in game raven_hill
We are a solid group of mostly Cavalier players and want a third battlegroup in AQ that can handle map 4 with heroic mods.
AW we have 1 BG for now S2 Tier 8, all participants are set.
You can get guidance to progress your account, so minimum at Uncollected level with a solid roster.
We require that you are active, and understand that we all have a life outside of this game too. Communication is key.
Add me on Line or in game raven_hill