About Angela's Buff

Despite the change in Angela being just in numbers, I'm excited, her design reminds me of Knights of the Zodiac, nostalgia.
I have been playing since May 2015, for those who are starting the game, Angela will help a lot, but for the end players, she doesn't help at all, as it has no use, the damage is reasonable.
I enjoyed using it on the monthly knight mission, I haven't used it on any mission in a long time.
Angela needs her special attacks to increase the damage done, even her S3 is weak, improve her fitness bonus, increase her fury value and the duration of her bonuses. Since she will not have a change in skills, she was supposed to have some use, at least resistance or immunity to poison and cause bleeding.
Signature Ability, hers is the worst in the game, practically useless.
I have been playing since May 2015, for those who are starting the game, Angela will help a lot, but for the end players, she doesn't help at all, as it has no use, the damage is reasonable.
I enjoyed using it on the monthly knight mission, I haven't used it on any mission in a long time.
Angela needs her special attacks to increase the damage done, even her S3 is weak, improve her fitness bonus, increase her fury value and the duration of her bonuses. Since she will not have a change in skills, she was supposed to have some use, at least resistance or immunity to poison and cause bleeding.
Signature Ability, hers is the worst in the game, practically useless.
Pure damage will never beat utility in the end.
I have a lot of everything, what’s your point? I’m not allowed to speak?
Yup. Won’t be much different.
Pure damage will never beat utility in the end.
(Also. Emma’s damage is great what are you on about)
Angela will not be aegon ever.
I have all these champions maxed out, used daily. I know what they are capable of doing.
"Pure damage will NEVER beat utility in the end." you're wrong pure dmg can take away the need for utility if it's high enough
She only has damage, nothing else. Increasing the numbers for more damage will not make her anymore desirable then before.
Again, not sure what you are trying to showcase here. Your skill? Cool dude well done. You didn’t use utility to take down a defender. Damn impressive. But CGR still has more overall then Angela.
"Again, not sure what you are trying to showcase here." There are situations where dmg can overtake the need for utilty if it's high enough, those bosses weren't easy btw
What you said before "Pure damage will NEVER beat utility in the end." is just wrong
Btw, Angela is legit Havok counter, that's one of her utility,