Sentry: An in-depth review

The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
edited February 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Created this thread to have an in-depth look into Sentry- my favorite marvel character as you probably couldn't tell

Base Stats
*Based on a 5/65 Sentry without masteries

Healthpool: Sentry has a healthpool of 31,398 which is just about among the top half in the game, far higher than squishy champions like the spidermen but no where near close to the top healthpools in the game. I'd call this average.

Attack: His attack as a 5* 5/65 is 2,414 which is once again slightly above average. Higher than the attack of certain gods like Nick(without fury), Cap IW (without kinetic sheild charges) but once again, nowhere near close to the top attack values in the game.

Crit Rate and Crit Damage: Crit Rate is 461 and Crit Damage Rating is 738. For persepective, Cap IW as a 5* rank 5 has a higher crit rate but about the same crit damage rating as does Human Torch when compared to the science gods. When compared to other champions in the game, he has a higher crit rate than and crit damage rating than Colossus(without armor ups) and only a higher crit damage rating when compared to Nick. So, his crit rating (at base) is decent but crit damage rating is good and up there.

Block Proficiency: He has a block proficiency which roughly translates to 64% which is quite good actually. Above average as 60% is generally the average BP going around here.

Resistances: He follows the general trend of science champions and has some physical and energy resistances.

Prestige: He has above average prestige with him being 8th in the science class and 56th overall in the game.

In order to get max damage, you'll need Aegon and Champion synergies to pair with him. He is ramp up champion and so, requires a decently long ramp up.

The Champion synergy gives him +12% attack for each reality warp and so, grants up to 60% attack when Sentry is ramped up. So, in theory, his attack rating including a sp1 fury is now effectively 4,465 which is ehh... when compared to the ramp up required . To compare this with others:

-his attack is now higher than Cap IW's with a kinetic charge which is 3,451 but far lower when Cap has a fury from his heavy charge.
-his attack is now just lower than Thing's with only 30 passive furies (no synergies)
-Void's attack value is 5,144 when at max sig with FOTV active

So, his attack isn't the greatest but it is far from the worst. When combined with the additional bonuses of the respective states, he can hit surprisingly hard. You get most of your damage from the sp2 and heavy crits in their right phases.
Another thing worth noting that the Aegon syenrgy provides a significant boost to his crit rating and crit damage rating which can help in getting those heavy crits or sp2 crits.

This is Sentry's big problem. He has absolutely no utility at base except for a short indestructable when awakened. Additionally, he applies a Fear of The Void on the opponent after special 3 when used with Void synergy which reduces evade chance by 60%, regen and power gain by a 100% and reduces crit rating. Sounds decent right? However, this is dependent on a synergy and is inaccessible with his normal inflexible rotation. So, you have to sacrifice your damage for it.

He is decently sustainable. He has an average healthpool as well as an above average block proficiency. Additionally, suring his Steadfast Approach phase, he has a 100% perfect block chance which is quite good actually but only a 60% of proccing it which ruins it. He also has a short indestructable on hit when awakened which can be useful for tanking sp3's. However, once again this is left to chance unless he is at max sig. He can also regenerate 10% health at the cost of a reality warp when using sp3 and below 50% of health but again, this is inaccessible with his normal rotation and requires an unnecessary cost.

This is the best part of Sentry and one of his redeeming factors. It's also one of the reasons I love playing with him! His character model looks pretty cool and his combo hits flow together so smoothly. They also nailed his movement and he feels wonderful to intercept and dex with.

As said before, to maximise your damage, you need to follow a strict rotation.However, something dynamic about him is how you choose to go about it. You have to blend in your heavies from time to time to control his rotation. Use sp1 during his Overpowering light phase, your special 2 during his Absolute Strength phase and heavies during your Steadfast Approach phase. During the fight, you might find yourself with too less power or too much power and so should blend in heavies or basic attacks accordingly.

My Ratings
Damage: 7/10
Utility: 2/10
Sustainability: 6/10
Animations: 10/10

Overall Thoughts
His lack of general utility is the main thing holding him back and his damage really doesn't make up for that, especially without synergies. However, he can hit decently when player in his proper rotation. His sig ability is decent but what makes makes it terrible is that riddiculous health penalty. His animations are top notch and make him really fun to play and if he was given a buff of sorts, he would definitely be used much more. I believe he needs an update as he needs some more utility but a tune-up would suffic if his damage was able to makeup for his lack of utility.
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on


  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    I thought this was a joke post

    nice write up

    Thank You!
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,414 ★★★★★

    Created this thread to have an in-depth look into Sentry- my favorite marvel character as you probably couldn't tell

    Base Stats
    *Based on a 5/65 Sentry without masteries

    Healthpool: Sentry has a healthpool of 31,398 which is just about among the top half in the game, far higher than squishy champions like the spidermen but no where near close to the top healthpools in the game. I'd call this average.

    Attack: His attack as a 5* 5/65 is 2,414 which is once again slightly above average. Higher than the attack of certain gods like Nick(without fury), Cap IW (without kinetic sheild charges) but once again, nowhere near close to the top attack values in the game.

    Crit Rate and Crit Damage: Crit Rate is 461 and Crit Damage Rating is 738. For persepective, Cap IW as a 5* rank 5 has a higher crit rate but about the same crit damage rating as does Human Torch when compared to the science gods. When compared to other champions in the game, he has a higher crit rate than and crit damage rating than Colossus(without armor ups) and only a higher crit damage rating when compared to Nick. So, his crit rating (at base) is decent but crit damage rating is good and up there.

    Block Proficiency: He has a block proficiency which roughly translates to 64% which is quite good actually. Above average as 60% is generally the average BP going around here.

    Resistances: He follows the general trend of science champions and has some physical and energy resistances.

    Prestige: He has above average prestige with him being 8th in the science class and 56th overall in the game.

    In order to get max damage, you'll need Aegon and Champion synergies to pair with him. He is ramp up champion and so, requires a decently long ramp up.

    The Champion synergy gives him +12% attack for each reality warp and so, grants up to 60% attack when Sentry is ramped up. So, in theory, his attack rating including a sp1 fury is now effectively 4,465 which is ehh... when compared to the ramp up required . To compare this with others:

    -his attack is now higher than Cap IW's with a kinetic charge which is 3,451 but far lower when Cap has a fury from his heavy charge.
    -his attack is now just lower than Thing's with only 30 passive furies (no synergies)
    -Void's attack value is 5,144 when at max sig with FOTV active

    So, his attack isn't the greatest but it is far from the worst. When combined with the additional bonuses of the respective states, he can hit surprisingly hard. You get most of your damage from the sp2 and heavy crits in their right phases.
    Another thing worth noting that the Aegon syenrgy provides a significant boost to his crit rating and crit damage rating which can help in getting those heavy crits or sp2 crits.

    This is Sentry's big problem. He has absolutely no utility at base except for a short indestructable when awakened. Additionally, he applies a Fear of The Void on the opponent after special 3 when used with Void synergy which reduces evade chance by 60%, regen and power gain by a 100% and reduces crit rating. Sounds decent right? However, this is dependent on a synergy and is inaccessible with his normal inflexible rotation. So, you have to sacrifice your damage for it.

    He is decently sustainable. He has an average healthpool as well as an above average block proficiency. Additionally, suring his Steadfast Approach phase, he has a 100% perfect block chance which is quite good actually but only a 60% of proccing it which ruins it. He also has a short indestructable on hit when awakened which can be useful for tanking sp3's. However, once again this is left to chance unless he is at max sig. He can also regenerate 10% health at the cost of a reality warp when using sp3 and below 50% of health but again, this is inaccessible with his normal rotation and requires an unnecessary cost.

    This is the best part of Sentry and one of his redeeming factors. It's also one of the reasons I love playing with him! His character model looks pretty cool and his combo hits flow together so smoothly. They also nailed his movement and he feels wonderful to intercept and dex with.

    As said before, to maximise your damage, you need to follow a strict rotation.However, something dynamic about him is how you choose to go about it. You have to blend in your heavies from time to time to control his rotation. Use sp1 during his Overpowering light phase, your special 2 during his Absolute Strength phase and heavies during your Steadfast Approach phase. During the fight, you might find yourself with too less power or too much power and so should blend in heavies or basic attacks accordingly.

    My Ratings
    Damage: 7/10
    Utility: 2/10
    Sustainability: 6/10
    Animations: 10/10

    Overall Thoughts
    His lack of general utility is the main thing holding him back and his damage really doesn't make up for that, especially without synergies. However, he can hit decently when player in his proper rotation. His sig ability is decent but what makes makes it terrible is that riddiculous health penalty. His animations are top notch and make him really fun to play and if he was given a buff of sorts, he would definitely be used much more. I believe he needs an update as he needs some more utility but a tune-up would suffic if his damage was able to makeup for his lack of utility.

    I see no fault's in this post a true Sentry fan wrote it
    Hopefully one day Kabam makes him reach his full potential
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    An excellent write up @The_Sentry06 ! I had been wondering why you like sentry so much since i joined forums. My curiosity rose, and i browsed about him ( i don't know much about the comics) and man, he literally has everything to be easily one the top champs in the game! Strong enough to stalemate a fight with Galactus, defeated Dr.Doom and lot more!
    The following are the list of abilities MENTIONED about him.
    Molecular Manipulation: all of his powers are based on this and fluctuate depending on his mental state
    Superhuman strength, durability, stamina, speed, agility, reflexes, dexterity, senses and intelligence
    Travel at a speed exceeding speed of light, Regeneration, Immortality,Teleportation, Telepathy, Empathy/emotion manipulation, Mind control resistance, Astral projection, Invisibility, Force-field projection.

    These are a few abilities i picked that are already somehow in the game and could be added to him if gets a overhaul at all.

    I mean, yeah that could become the best overhaul ever, but man, he deserves it!!
  • Stebo_79Stebo_79 Member Posts: 642 ★★★
    Great summary. Personally I would drop a point for the animation because I think the heavy looks a bit clunky. I hope he gets the buff he decides
  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,043 ★★★★★
    I hope he gets a sweet horseman synergy with Apoc if he were to ever get buffed at some point.
  • BuffBeastBuffBeast Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★★
    Nice write up. Personally think they should scrap the whole ramp up idea if they buff sentry. But we’ll see if he ever gets buffed
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    His animations are nice :smile:
    The high sig and synergies requirement is a bit much.
    You're going to work really hard for a champ that Star Lord outperforms on his own.
    I hope he does get a decent buff one day, my 6* might finally get some use.
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