Simplest Reason To Bring Back Defender Kills



  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    it's obvious this company is not into competitive fair play or they would include things that indicate the stronger/more skilled team wins. Removing defender kills is 100% money grab no matter how they try to sugar coat it, it cannot add competitive fairness in any way. The Mods and the Kabam shrills will both come and and explain why encouraging people to kill as much as they can is better and shouldn't be discouraged by dying (item use), but no one with half a brain buys it.

    Legends runs are exactly the same thing, they promote it and try to get as many people to spend as they can to chase it and won't disclose times or devices since they know that the vast, vast majority of people paying good money cannot possibly win based on what device or OS version they use.
  • Hort4Hort4 Member Posts: 511 ★★★
    The should bring back defender kills at a fairly low value to make up enough points to be able to overcome the delta in defender rating but not enough to discourage diversity. It is nice having a change and not fighting 4 NC in a row followed by 3 Juggys. Many wars are tied for completion and for diversity (100% with 150 diversity). Throw in defender kills along with defender rating and there is a possibility the lower ranked alliance could win if they are skilled enough. Every 10,000 points in defender rating is worth 20 points. If defender kills are worth 10 points then 2 extra kill makes up for that but it would take 7.5 extra kills to make up for taking away from diversity and putting in an additional Juggy.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Wouldn’t have to have this trash diversity if they just updated the 75% of champs that are useless. A champ like colossus doesn’t have to be trash he a walking tank but he’s old content and gets no love so he offers zero incentive to rank unless you consider diversity incentive.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    42 tries to kill NC? lololll!!!!!1111one
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  • Topher_TowersTopher_Towers Member Posts: 81
    I hate diversity. Kabam really shouldve given us rank down tickets. A lot of people argued it doesnt directly affect champs but it affects an entire roster. We'd have to sacrifice putting in weaker champs for the sake of diversity. Although defender kills dont count, putting defenders that are too easy will make it easier for opponents to reach the boss with more health on their attackers.
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