Solo crystals

GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★
edited February 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
They are extremely useless and have almost no value. I mean, the best you can get is like, a few t5b frags. So instead of putting useless things that will sit in our inventory for the rest of eternity in the solo crystals, why not put iso? the lesser solo crystal could have tiers 1-3, the greater solo crystals could have tiers 2-4, and the legendary solo crystal could have tier 5-6. This would actually be helpful to our rosters instead of just keeping these crystals lying around and either never opening them or just never using what you get from them


  • KRoNX1KRoNX1 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    Different people have different needs in their account . I have a lot of gold and iso but i am short on catalysts. Considering that, even some fragments of catalysts can help me more than iso.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,314 ★★★★★
    I'm in need of xp boosts at the moment and can not get them in sufficient quantities.
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