alliance revives and potions 29.99 usd

this one really pissed me off. i love how your game since the new update is running like trash but instead of giving us potions and revives to help us get through while u take your time to fix the problem you offer them for us to buy almost like it was intended to generate more revenue. come on kabam wheres the compensation for your trashy buggy game.
Well, they closed the first discussion on it, then they deleted the one I made that had gotten traction.
Maybe it's a good idea to keep making threads like this; try to keep kabam from sweeping things under the rug.
It's an offer, it takes a few seconds to look at and decide you don't want it. Who cares what the offer is if it doesn't interest you? I don't get that logic from people. If they offer a 2 star for 10 grand and you don't want it, who cares???
its simply because we need to use items due to the bugs in the game and instead of giving them out for free they choose to play off the game quality by making some money off of the situation. quite simple to understand
Who is we? You mean you?
no we is everyone. if you are not experiencing any bugs then u simply dont play the game enough
I play plenty....every aq every aw. I do experience the bugs but i'm also not so bad that they will cost me items
well good for you im glad u are content with the quality of this game however im sure most are not
I guess you don't really understand the problem. They release an offer of potions and revives just as people are having problems with bugs causing them to get KO'd; can't dash after specials, parry acting up, specials disappearing. I don't mind any of those bugs. Kabam already said they would fix them. The problem is that the offer they released seemed almost to be in response to the bugs people have been having.
A great analogy is this:
imagine your favorite company (kabam) is selling shirts (released a new update). You pick up a few of them. Everything is fine, until, uh-oh! Turns out the shirts are missing buttons (there are bugs). You can't wear a shirt with missing buttons. The store, realizing there was a manufacturing error, apologizes and promises the shirts will be recalled
(a hotfix). You are okay with this, because you respect the company and appreciate that they owned up to their mistake. Then, two days later, the company has a sale on buttons (an offer). Nothing weird about selling buttons. Not normally, anyway. The problem is, since everyone's shirts have been missing buttons, now everyone's going to buy buttons. How else are they going to wear their new shirts?
Look, I'm not saying kabam released the offer to exploit people who've been having issues after the update. I don't think they did. They've said, and I believe them, that they already had the offer planned. The question that they haven't answered, however, and the one they keep pushing under the rug, is this: why, in light of all these bugs, did they still push this offer through, knowing how it would look in the eyes of the player base? It's almost like they care more about the revenue it generates than how it looks to their players.
THAT'S the problem, and that's just one of the many reasons people have been pissed off lately. We're sick of this ****. We make jokes about "whale milking" and all that, but honestly? That's EXACTLY how kabam sees us. If that's not true, I'd love for them to prove me wrong. Or close this thread like they have all the others. Ignoring this is going to be a bad idea in the long run. Trying to shut us up is just going to make things worse. It'll spark a flame they haven't seen in a while, and if you've been playing since 12.0, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Oh no i'm not content at all, i just think complaining about an offer that's optional is illogical
That's just lovely! I came back to see if there was any reply from a Kabam rep. And lo n' behold, just as so many other "on point" threads have suffered, yours was deleted also. Truly truly ridiculous actions and nonresponse.