Mastery setup for uncollected

Hey guys! I having a plan to become uncollected on coming Sunday
Last Sunday I had completed 5.2.5 I had farmed units and boosts a bit lot
My big question is which mastery setup should I do
I know that my mastery is super waste for collector
This is my mastery setup tell ur valuable comments
Also I had activated mystic depression does that useful for me
My team are 4* max Awakened quake,ghost,corvus 5* r4 gwenpool, r3 doom ( a substitute for gwenpool is 4* r4 Heimdall)

Last Sunday I had completed 5.2.5 I had farmed units and boosts a bit lot
My big question is which mastery setup should I do
I know that my mastery is super waste for collector
This is my mastery setup tell ur valuable comments
Also I had activated mystic depression does that useful for me
My team are 4* max Awakened quake,ghost,corvus 5* r4 gwenpool, r3 doom ( a substitute for gwenpool is 4* r4 Heimdall)

Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
I’d recommend unlocking at least lesser precision and lesser cruelty, but cruelty and precision should ideally be unlocked right after them
But I can do activate precision and cruelty after lesser of both I try to activate lesser of both now
My current setup has 9/9 becuz im too broke to afford any other masteries
Can you please share your setup? I am planning to do this too but don't know how to adjust it..
You dont need MD at the moment but in the future maybe.
Focus 1. on Precision and Cruelty 5/5.
You can do the easy difficulty in Variants to gain Mastery Cores.
Beat the Collector 1. then build your Mastery.
1. Precision and Cruelty
2. Willpower
3. Glass Cannon
4. Dispair
Max them all.
You dont really need points in Limber.
This is my full Mastery Guide but it is a lot to read
My one additional note is you don’t need to do all this before taking down the collector and becoming uncollected. It’s preferable but you can definitely finish 5.2.6 and then spend the remainder of your units to fix your masteries. Good luck on 5.2.6 and beyond.