my masteries

ProximaMidnight_8ProximaMidnight_8 Member Posts: 285 ★★
edited February 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I've heard my pi is very low in comparison to what it should be. I've also heard I need to spend more units on mysteries. any reccomendations/explanations?


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,333 ★★★★★
    Solswerd said:

    Here are some spreadsheets on the PI effect of masteries. But to be honest with you, PI is not that big a deal. You should choose masteries based on helping you succeed in the game, not based on increasing your PI.

  • Phillip14233Phillip14233 Member Posts: 581 ★★★
    I wouldnt worry about PI. I don’t have the greatest pi either but I don’t mind. For example, my 6* R3 ghost is only at 12.5k
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    -take out 2 from pierce and 4 from each lesser prescion and cruelty
    -put 3 in glass cannon

    I would invest in WP. One point only. You’d want 1 in salve, and 3 in recovery.

    If you don’t want suicides, I’d put some points in despair/deep wounds/assassin
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