Which Variant is the ‘Easiest’ to Initial clear?

General Br3ezeGeneral Br3eze Member Posts: 100
edited February 2021 in Strategy and Tips
My Champs might not be the best, but I want to initial a Variant to get more rewards and do 5.2.6, any ideas which Variant is the easiest?
Could you guys also give me teams based on my champs for which you think is Easiest? If you want to that is! 😃

Sincerely - General Br3eze

Which Variant is the ‘Easiest’ to Initial clear? 26 votes

Variant 1 (Ultron)
FunkMackFunkIan_daSilva 2 votes
Variant 2 (Yellowjacket)
Bowennn123 1 vote
Variant 3 (Magneto)
DRTOZiviorSarvanga1_[Deleted User] 4 votes
Variant 4 (Moon Knight)
AmaadAkiraEtjamaCosmosurfer2000Prakhar_82DRAGON_ZEEmagnus_xixGrindelwaldBarani7daSaltyyMarvelFan352Hyperionelite 11 votes
Variant 5 (Venom)
Scopeotoe987GlassbackCam97 3 votes
Variant 6 (Joe Fixit)
0casual0AmnetiesWild_Meat84LightWork69Chiefhob 5 votes


  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,038 ★★★★★
    Variant 4 (Moon Knight)
    Do variants once you've completed all of act 5. With a roster like that you'll find the block damage is too much and the fights are extremely long
  • General Br3ezeGeneral Br3eze Member Posts: 100

    Do variants once you've completed all of act 5. With a roster like that you'll find the block damage is too much and the fights are extremely long

    Ok! Thank you for that Mr Magnus!
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    I don’t think your roster is string enough. I started variants after completing 6.1 and they are still some hard fights
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,687 ★★★★★
    Variant 3 (Magneto)
    If your guilly 2099 was at rank 4 you could probably do a clear of variant 3 but like the others have said I'd focus on other content first. Variants are tough fights and the attack values will punish you and cost you a lot more revives and potions. I'd wait til you have a strong team of all 5* champs that are at rank 4 or above.
  • TrashPanda12TrashPanda12 Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    I'd wait a bit before tackling variants. That being said, v4 is pretty easy for initial clear. V5 and v6 can be easy depending on your future roster.
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Member Posts: 4,162 ★★★★★
    Variant 3 (Magneto)
    Improve your roster first.
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