6* Nexus Crystal disappeared ~10 hours prematurely

With about 11 hours left on the offer, purchased units in order to buy that 6* nexus crystal but when i went back to the main menu from the units store the offer had disappeared. im now left with 4,000 units i otherwise would not have purchased and no new 6 star. is there any way i can get my units removed and my money refunded or am i now stuck with 4,000 units?


  • TheBoogyManTheBoogyMan Member Posts: 2,094 ★★★★★
    Don't go for returning units. Keep them. They won't go to waste. You've probably been kabamed. You can try reaching out to customer support for the offer, but I'd suggest don't go for unit refund.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,492 ★★★★★

    With about 11 hours left on the offer, purchased units in order to buy that 6* nexus crystal but when i went back to the main menu from the units store the offer had disappeared. im now left with 4,000 units i otherwise would not have purchased and no new 6 star. is there any way i can get my units removed and my money refunded or am i now stuck with 4,000 units?

    The Ofer shuld stil bw there one the main scor when pop offer is Mabye it overlay with bunch of offer offers
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