MCoC Progression Thread - 100% Act 5

Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
edited February 2021 in Strategy and Tips
So, I wanted to do a self-progression thread so I can track my in-game story progress easier. I plan to update this at least once a week with how I'm getting on. My current target is to 100% Act 5. Then maybe once I've done that, to start doing the Variants Quests.
I will be doing this as well as participating in all AW/AQ/Monthly events and also around work and home life (I'm in the British Military, so not got endless amounts of free time).

Any advice for me would be greatly appreciated. And if anyone wants any advice from me, just ask. I'm more than happy to try and help others out if I can.

In-game Profile

Current 6*'s

Current 5*'s

Current Act 5 Progress

Act 5.1 - Complete

Act 5.2 - Complete

Act 5.3 - 8 Paths to complete

5.3.1 - Complete
5.3.2 - Complete
5.3.3 - 1 Path remaining
5.3.4 - Complete
5.3.5 - 3 Paths remaining
5.3.6 - 4 Paths remaining

Act 5.4 - 30 Paths to complete

5.4.1 - 4 Paths remaining
5.4.2 - 4 Paths remaining
5.4.3 - 5 Paths remaining
5.4.4 - 5 Paths remaining
5.4.5 - 5 Paths remaining
5.4.6 - 7 Paths remaining
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    So, it's the end of the week and I figured it's about time for my first update. I've completed all monthly event quests, so while I'm not tied up with AQ/AW I will be focusing all my efforts and resources on fully exploring Act 5.
    No change to my top champions this week, and no new additions to any top spots. However, I've decided once I get the resources, my next R5 is going to be my Aegon as I really enjoy using him.

    This week, I've managed to complete my last path on 5.3.3 and two more paths on 5.3.5. so I've only got 5 more paths until I've completed 5.3 100%.

    And no change to Act 5.4 this week.

    Act 5.3 - 5 Paths to complete

    5.3.1 - Complete
    5.3.2 - Complete
    5.3.3 - Complete
    5.3.4 - Complete
    5.3.5 - 1 Path remaining
    5.3.6 - 4 Paths remaining

    Any advice for me is always appreciated. And if anyone wants any advice from me, just ask.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,974 ★★★★★
    My only advice is keep on preserving. It gets long after a while and you definitely have the roster and skill to do it.
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,228 ★★★★★
    Looking amazing! Any advice for me to fight the collector when I explore that quest? Again you six star roster is awesome!
  • FRITO_ManFRITO_Man Member Posts: 716 ★★★
    Riptide said:

    Looking amazing! Any advice for me to fight the collector when I explore that quest? Again you six star roster is awesome!

    When I went for collector 100%, my strat was just to go for the most damage rather than focus on one shotting.
    What I found worked well was just to hit him and push to l3, with r4/r5 champs usually take off 30-40% at least.
    Good luck!
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    edited February 2021
    Thanks @Will3808
    It really does get long and repetitive after a while. That's why I decided to make this post, to keep myself motivated to carry on. I've given up a few times before, but I really want to 100% it this time.

    @Riptide the advice @FRITO_Man gave is spot on. Don't try to one shot the Collector, he's too awkward and powerful. Instead, focus on doing as much damage as possible, and keep power draining him if you have a champ that is able to. My most useful champs for the Collector fight were Venom (awesome damage output and stack bleed damage), Warlock (power drain) and Doctor Doom (Sp1 Power Drain and Sp2 incinerate damage). Hope this helps.
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,228 ★★★★★
    FRITO_Man said:

    Riptide said:

    Looking amazing! Any advice for me to fight the collector when I explore that quest? Again you six star roster is awesome!

    When I went for collector 100%, my strat was just to go for the most damage rather than focus on one shotting.
    What I found worked well was just to hit him and push to l3, with r4/r5 champs usually take off 30-40% at least.
    Good luck!
    Luke9523 said:

    Thanks @Will3808
    It really does get long and repetitive after a while. That's why I decided to make this post, to keep myself motivated to carry on. I've given up a few times before, but I really want to 100% it this time.

    @Riptide the advice @FRITO_Man gave is spot on. Don't try to one shot the Collector, he's too awkward and powerful. Instead, focus on doing as much damage as possible, and keep power draining him if you have a champ that is able to. My most useful champs for the Collector fight were Venom (awesome damage output and stack bleed damage), Warlock (power drain) and Doctor Doom (Sp1 Power Drain and Sp2 incinerate damage). Hope this helps.

    @FRITO_Man @Luke9523

    Thanks guys! 🙏
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,112 ★★★★
    Luke9523 said:

    Thanks @Will3808
    It really does get long and repetitive after a while. That's why I decided to make this post, to keep myself motivated to carry on. I've given up a few times before, but I really want to 100% it this time.

    @Riptide the advice @FRITO_Man gave is spot on. Don't try to one shot the Collector, he's too awkward and powerful. Instead, focus on doing as much damage as possible, and keep power draining him if you have a champ that is able to. My most useful champs for the Collector fight were Venom (awesome damage output and stack bleed damage), Warlock (power drain) and Doctor Doom (Sp1 Power Drain and Sp2 incinerate damage). Hope this helps.

    AA with white mags prefight works well too, I used him in my initial clear.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    Time for my end of the week update.
    A new month has started, which means most of my time for the first 2/3 weeks will be taken up by AW/AQ and monthly EQ. So I will probably be lacking in Act 5 content for a little while.
    In terms of champions, I've taken my 5* Rank 3 Black Widow (CV) up to Rank 4 and maxed her out at 4/55.

    This week, I managed to complete 5.3 100% finally! So I was happy with that.

    My reward was a 5* awakening gem, which ended up being a mystic. Probably the least useful for me as all of my best mystics are already awakened. So I'm just going to hold onto it for now.

    I started a few paths of 5.4 before the new month started, so here's where I currently am with 5.4.

    Act 5.4 - 27 Paths to complete

    5.4.1 - 1 Paths remaining
    5.4.2 - 4 Paths remaining
    5.4.3 - 5 Paths remaining
    5.4.4 - 5 Paths remaining
    5.4.5 - 5 Paths remaining
    5.4.6 - 7 Paths remaining

    As always, any advice you want to give me is always appreciated, and if you want any advice or pointers from me just ask.
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    Luke9523 said:

    So, it's the end of the week and I figured it's about time for my first update. I've completed all monthly event quests, so while I'm not tied up with AQ/AW I will be focusing all my efforts and resources on fully exploring Act 5.
    No change to my top champions this week, and no new additions to any top spots. However, I've decided once I get the resources, my next R5 is going to be my Aegon as I really enjoy using him.

    This week, I've managed to complete my last path on 5.3.3 and two more paths on 5.3.5. so I've only got 5 more paths until I've completed 5.3 100%.

    And no change to Act 5.4 this week.

    Act 5.3 - 5 Paths to complete

    5.3.1 - Complete
    5.3.2 - Complete
    5.3.3 - Complete
    5.3.4 - Complete
    5.3.5 - 1 Path remaining
    5.3.6 - 4 Paths remaining

    Any advice for me is always appreciated. And if anyone wants any advice from me, just ask.

    advice is to scout out your paths for 5.4 cuz during my exploration I wasted like 3 energy pots cuz I was so confused about where to go even with the map.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    Is that because the actual pathways were confusing? I will find some screenshots of the best routes to take. Thanks.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    Another Friday, time for another update. I've been busy trying to smash my way through the monthly EQ as well as taking part in alliance events. So I've made no progress in Act 5 this week.

    Act 5.4 - 27 Paths to complete

    5.4.1 - 1 Path remaining
    5.4.2 - 4 Paths remaining
    5.4.3 - 5 Paths remaining
    5.4.4 - 5 Paths remaining
    5.4.5 - 5 Paths remaining
    5.4.6 - 7 Paths remaining

    I've had no new 5/6* champs this week (none that are worth mentioning at least) but I have ranked up my Aegon from R4 to R5 and maxed him out at 5/65. He definitely needs some signature stones to increase that signature level though.

    As always, any advice for me is always appreciated. And if anyone wants any advice from me, just ask.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    Still been making my way through the monthly EQ and Alliance events, so not got much done. However I made a point to make sure I did at least one lane, so I completed another path on 5.4.2, so only 3 Paths left on that quest.

    Act 5.4 - 26 Paths to complete

    5.4.1 - 1 Path remaining
    5.4.2 - 3 Paths remaining
    5.4.3 - 5 Paths remaining
    5.4.4 - 5 Paths remaining
    5.4.5 - 5 Paths remaining
    5.4.6 - 7 Paths remaining

    Only one new champion of note and that's 6* Thing. Not a bad pull at all, all things considered.

  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    edited March 2021
    Time for my weekly update. This week I've got absolutely loads done. I've managed to 100% Acts 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3. So, only 14 more paths to complete until I have 100% completed all of Act 5.

    Act 5.4 - 14 Paths to complete

    5.4.1 - Complete
    5.4.2 - Complete
    5.4.3 - Complete
    5.4.4 - 2 Paths remaining
    5.4.5 - 5 Paths remaining
    5.4.6 - 7 Paths remaining

    New additions this week, I got a 6* Angela which I'm quite happy about, and 5* Hulkbuster and Proxima Midnight. Not too bothered about PM, but I took HB straight up to R3.

  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    edited April 2021
    Friday Update, happy Easter all.

    So, I had no new 5/6*'s this week that were worth mentioning, but did two note worthy rank-ups;

    5* Omega Red to R4, plus awakened with a mutant awakening gem and put my few mutant Sig stones into him too. (He has been an absolute god-send when it comes to taking out that initial Electro in 5.4.6)

    5* Black Widow CV to R5.

    In terms of progress, I've had a really good week, I managed to 100% 5.4.4 and 5.4.5. I've also done several paths on 5.4.6, and have only three paths left to complete; Bane, Rage and Buffet paths.

    Act 5.4 - 3 Paths to complete

    5.4.1 - Complete
    5.4.2 - Complete
    5.4.3 - Complete
    5.4.4 - Complete
    5.4.5 - Complete
    5.4.6 - 3 Paths remaining

    Hopefully I will have Act 5 100% completed by next Friday.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    Friday Update. Just a quick update as I only managed to do the bane path. Still struggling with the rage and buffet paths.
    I'm halfway through an attempt on the rage path and doing quite well. Will hopefully get it done and only have one path to go by the end of today.

    Act 5.4 - 2 Paths to complete

    5.4.1 - Complete
    5.4.2 - Complete
    5.4.3 - Complete
    5.4.4 - Complete
    5.4.5 - Complete
    5.4.6 - 2 Paths remaining

    No new champs or rank ups worth mentioning this week.

    Any tips on Rage/Buffet paths would be really appreciated. Thanks.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    Quick update: smashed through the rage path. Only one path to go!
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    This will be my last update as I have finally 100% completed Act 5. I smashed through the last path with a load of active boosts and did it without a problem.
    My rewards were duping my 5* Winter Soldier (oh joy) and a new 5* Prof. X (which I am much more happy about). I also got a generic awakening gem that I haven't decided who to use on yet (although I'm thinking Ghost) and a science awakening gem I used straight away on CapIW.
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    Congratulation, it's always satisfying to see all that shining green when you open the story tab ^_^
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★

    Congratulation, it's always satisfying to see all that shining green when you open the story tab ^_^

    Thanks. I've got to get back into Act 6 now, or try my hand at some of the variants.
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