Another bug? Getting clipped when trying to bait with AQ mini boss Cable?

So I do the 2 block hits and evade to bait cable's sp (sometimes I do the 4 block hits). When I evade however I get clipped by cable. Almost as if the dexterity never registers.
I'm running map 5 prestige 4700. I've soloed the mini cable many times without ever getting hit so I'm absolutely puzzled. This happened twice. First with quake and then with GR.
When I do duels with cable this problem does not occur and I don't believe it occurred anywhere else.
Anyone else experience something like this?
I'm running map 5 prestige 4700. I've soloed the mini cable many times without ever getting hit so I'm absolutely puzzled. This happened twice. First with quake and then with GR.
When I do duels with cable this problem does not occur and I don't believe it occurred anywhere else.
Anyone else experience something like this?
For now I'll just do the 4 blocked hits but I am curious to see if anyone else is experiencing this.
It's another bait technique that allows you to zone your opponents... Because for certain champions you don't want to evade bait(the method you mentioned) yourself into a corner... Especially with champions like NC or spider man...
Gotcha. I might keep that in mind if I ever find myself in that situation. Thanks for the info.
Also with very aggressive ai they don't use sps as easily unless you give them blocked hits. The 2 hit version is what I use for those who gain power (4 is giving too much power) like hype, MD opponents, cable, etc.
I learned the 2 hit version from atromix.