Abyss paths 3 and 4

I have two more paths left in abyss, 3 and 4. 3 of the spots are obvious, Doom, Torch and Aegon. Who should i bring for the other 2 slots for these paths? I also have Heimdall, I considered ranking up my r3 Ronin but he isn't high enough sig to get through red skull. I was thinking maybe CGR or medusa for Killmonger, but i don't want to waste a roster spot just for one fight. Any advice? Maybe Guardian for the Havoks?
I have two more paths left in abyss, 3 and 4. 3 of the spots are obvious, Doom, Torch and Aegon. Who should i bring for the other 2 slots for these paths? I also have Heimdall, I considered ranking up my r3 Ronin but he isn't high enough sig to get through red skull. I was thinking maybe CGR or medusa for Killmonger, but i don't want to waste a roster spot just for one fight. Any advice? Maybe Guardian for the Havoks?